Splunk With DevOps ?

Posted by Manish S.
Dec 6, 2020

We are excited to announce that Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring has achieved Outposts Ready designation. This designation recognizes that Splunk provides proven solutions for patrons to create , manage and run hybrid cloud applications. AWS Outposts Ready designation establishes Splunk Certification as an AWS Partner Network (APN) member that gives validated integrations with a selected specialise in observability and monitoring of AWS Outposts deployments.

AWS Outposts may be a fully managed service that extends AWS infrastructure, AWS services, APIs, and tools to virtually any datacenter, co-location space, or on-premises facility for a very consistent hybrid experience.

The rapid adoption of hybrid it's driven the necessity for a more consistent and standardized availability of cloud resources and operations so IT teams can rapidly deliver services deployed either on the general public cloud or on-premises.

Cloud Migration isn't an “All or Nothing” Effort

Organizations typically start by migrating a number of their applications to the general public cloud while keeping latency-sensitive or hard-to-migrate applications on-premises. Further, industries with high compliance or data governance requirements require storing sensitive data behind the company firewall while utilizing the general public cloud for other applications. Additionally, certain use cases require low latency achieved by physical proximity and walk delivery to end-customers or systems.

For all its benefits, hybrid architecture often adds complexity thanks to disparate operations, management and performance monitoring tools or practices. AWS Outposts provides consistency in managing and operating resources. As an Outposts-validated solution, Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring provides real-time observability for an organization’s entire hybrid cloud stack so IT and DevOps teams can deliver operational excellence with AWS both within the cloud and on-premises.

Instant Visibility into Outposts Services

With AWS Outposts, customers can run Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS), Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), container services like Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) and database services like Amazon electronic database (Amazon RDS) employing a hybrid deployment model.

Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring provides real-time visibility and AI-driven alerting for AWS Outposts services starting with a germander speedwell view of the whole hybrid environment using the Infrastructure Navigator to visually inspect the health of the whole fleet and multi-dimensional slice-and-dice like AWS regions, Outposts instances, application tags and other dimensions in real-time.


This gives users one view for monitoring performance metrics across all the hosts within the AWS cloud or on-premises via Outposts. Users can then deep-dive into a private host — regardless of where it's running — for further analysis on the health and performance of processes that are running.


Refer to our documentation to quickly start monitoring EC2 on Outposts.

Comprehensive Monitoring for Amazon Container Services

Customers can run Amazon ECS and Amazon EKS on Outposts. Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring is purpose-built for dynamic and ephemeral container environments. Customers can monitor key ECS performance characteristics also as visibility into containerized applications. Splunk automatically discovers popular application services and provides out-of-the-box dashboards for fast time to value. Our documentation provides easy step-by-step details to start out ECS monitoring on AWS cloud and Outposts.

Splunk provides best-in-class monitoring capabilities for monitoring Kubernetes clusters whether on the AWS cloud or deployed on Outposts. Customers can run self-managed Kubernetes on Outposts with Amazon EKS Distro (EKS-D). With Kubernetes Navigator, DevOps teams can detect, triage and resolve performance issues faster than ever before. IT, DevOps and SRE teams can successfully navigate the complexity related to operating Kubernetes at scale by taking advantage of those features:

* Dynamic Cluster Map: An intuitive thanks to instantly understand the health of Kubernetes clusters

* Drill-downs: Faster and effective troubleshooting with quick drill-downs

* Logs in context: Deep linking to contextual logs to realize granular insights, eliminate context switching and accelerate root cause analysis

* Kubernetes Analyzer: AI-driven analytics to expedite troubleshooting


Additionally, Splunk provides out-of-the-box telemetry for EKS-D internals, including components that structure the control plane, also as those running on the worker nodes additionally to key add-ons like CoreDNS.


Quickly start with EKS monitoring on AWS cloud or Outposts using one-step helm installation. For other managed Outpost services like Amazon RDS, Amazon EMR and S3, customers can seamlessly ingest performance data by integrating with CloudWatch within the region

Get Started with Hybrid Cloud Monitoring

Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring for AWS Outposts is usually available for our joint customers. it's validated to support varying levels of complexity at scale. Future-proof your observability investment with a proven solution trusted by thousands of enterprises globally.

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