Spine Surgery Success Rates India – To get rid out of the back pain
The Spine Surgery Success Rates India is very high as compared to the success rates of the spine surgeries in other developing countries, however, the Spine Surgery Success Rates India varies from procedure to procedure and also on your health condition. In case, if you have a problem which can be corrected physically such as a herniated disc, spinal stenosis or spondylolisthesis etc. then the spine surgery is the best option when other treatments fail to relieve your pain. To treat other problems, such as an infection or a tumour, surgery may be a medical necessity.
Spine Procedures with Spine Surgery Success Rates India
The following are the procedures with their success rates which are available at all the network hospitals and clinics under Spine Surgery India and these are:
a) Discectomy: Discectomy is a surgical procedure in which the spine surgeons under the Spine Surgery India hospitals will remove the part of a disc that is herniated and causing pain or other symptoms. The spine surgeons will perform the discectomy in two ways:
• Percutaneous: This is a method where the spine surgeon uses the laser or suction device to remove a portion of the disc, through a narrow probe placed through a small incision in your back.
• Microsurgical: This is a method which requires a small incision through which the spine surgeon will use the microscope to remove the damaged portion of the disc along with a small portion of the bone covering the spinal canal.
The Spine Surgery Success Rates India for discectomy is around 80 to 90% which is quite high as compared to the success rates of the other developed countries.
b) Laminectomy: Laminectomy is a spine surgery which the spine surgeons at the network hospitals under Spine Surgery India performed to enlarge the spinal column when the pressure on your nerve roots occur due to spinal stenosis. A laminectomy is a procedure in which your spine surgeon will remove the lamina which is the backside of the spinal canal that forms a roof over the spinal cord. Along with lamina, your spine surgeon will also remove any bony spurs.
The Spine Surgery Success Rates India for laminectomy is around 70 to 80% which is significantly high and this attracts the attention of many people across the globe.
c) Spinal Fusion: Spinal fusion is a spine surgery in which two or more vertebrae are fused together. The spine surgeons will perform this surgery to stop the motion that normally occurs between the vertebrae to relieve the pain that has been caused by movement, such as twisting, lifting, bending etc. to stabilize a spine that has been damaged by infections. This surgery is also useful to stop the progression of a spinal deformity, such as scoliosis. To treat the injuries of the vertebrae or to stabilize the vertebrae this has become loose due to a defect in the facet joint.
The Spine Surgery Success Rates India for Spinal fusion is around 60 to 70% which is quite high and this is the procedure of spine surgery where you will recover fast from your injury.
d) Foraminotomy: This is a spine surgery procedure which is used to relieve pain that has been associated with a compressed nerve in your spine. In this procedure, the spine surgeons at the network hospitals under Spine Surgery India will cut the bone at the sides of your vertebrae to widen the space where nerves exit your spine. The extra room provides relieve pressure on your nerves and also reduces your pain. This is a procedure which makes your spineless stable and this is the reason that your spine surgeon may perform the spinal fusion during the foraminotomy surgery and it will increase the amount of time you need for recovery.
The Spine Surgery Success Rates India for foraminotomy is around 75 to 85% and this technique has been considered as the best surgical procedure.
e) Interlaminar implant: This is a spine surgical procedure where your spine surgeon will implant a U-shaped device between two vertebrae in your lower back. The implantation of a U-shaped device will help to keep the space between them open and eases pressure on your spinal nerves. Your spine surgeons will perform the interlaminar implant at the same time as a laminectomy performed. The implant will provide the stability and lets you move your back almost like normal.
The Spine Surgery Success Rates India for the interlaminar implant is around 75 to 85% and this is a procedure which is preferred by many people to get rid out of the back pain.