Spinal Cord Injury | NeuroLink

Posted by Khushi Gupta
Jun 17, 2024

Nowadays, people are becoming careless when it comes to their bodies; where on one side, people are seen to be conscious; on the other hand, some people ignore their bodies, suffering from pain from minor to major accidents, pain due to low attention span, leading to intense spinal cord injury as well sometimes. Besides treatment, one is also required to rehabilitate the injury by considering a good rehabilitation center in Delhi, i.e., NeuroLink, a spinal cord rehabilitation center in Delhi, which helps the person injured recover sooner and faster.

About Spinal Cord Injury

The spinal cord is one of the vital body parts. It regulates the functioning of the human body because it is extensively used to mitigate messages from one part of the body to another, explicitly transferring messages from the brain to different parts of the body.

The spinal cord is also used to maintain a balanced posture. When it is injured, the posture and balancing power of the human being are endangered as it makes it difficult for the person to work, move, sit, sleep, and stand straight, providing the balance to function effectively.

However, in spinal cord injury, there are various things one must know or consider, such as the reasons or causes, the symptoms, the effects, and lastly, the rehabilitation procedure.

It is this part only, which many times, due to major or minor mistakes, people get themselves in spinal cord injury, where they injure their spinal cord, affecting the central body part responsible for the balancing of the human being.

Additionally, it is essential to know about spinal cord injury, so let's discuss the post-injury effects on your body.

Causes of Spinal Cord Injury (SCI)

Before diving into the symptoms, let us discuss the causes or the effects a person faces after being injured in the spinal cord.

The causes of being injured in the spinal cord are as follows:

  • Vehicle accident, leading to impacting or pressure on your spinal cord
  • Sports Injury
  • An act of Violence
  • Any medical surgery
  • Trampoline Accidents

These are some of those causes that are commonly registered under the cause of injury to your spinal cord. Thus, one should understand how a fatal accident can make a person fall badly on their spinal cord, breaking or impacting the spinal cord.

However, along with these causes of spinal cord injury, this injury is commonly seen amongst people between the ages of 16 and 30 or after 65 years, being more prone to face any spinal cord injury.

Now that we are aware of how certain things, movements, or accidents can cause or lead a person to suffer from any spinal cord injury, it is crucial to know about the incidents, which can also become a reason for your spinal cord injury. It leads to the need for spinal cord injury rehabilitation, which one can get done under the guidance of a good team of specialized doctors at NeuroLink, a physio and rehabilitation center in Delhi/Gurgaon.

Symptoms of Spinal Cord Injury (SCI)

A spinal cord injury is usually referred to as pain in the neck, head, or back. However, it can also be for a temporary purpose or due to some underlying cause of prolonged discomfort.

There are various symptoms of suffering from a spinal cord injury, like:

  • Loss of Bowel or Bladder control
  • Paralysis
  • Facing difficulties in breathing, coughing, etc., involving the lungs
  • Sudden weakness or loss of control over any body part
  • A twisted neck
  • Any back injury
  • When the person is facing trouble in balancing or simply moving

However, besides these symptoms, there are also two different types of spinal cord injury:

  • Complete Spinal Cord Injury
  • Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury

Complete Spinal Cord Injury

In spinal cord injury, when a person is suffering and stops feeling all body movements down the lower spinal cord. It loses control over the body's movements and balancing.

Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury

In this type of SCI, the person injured will keep suffering, feeling their body part's movement. However, here, they do not entirely lose control, instead a lesser control of their muscle when the injury on the spinal cord is down below the spinal cord—allowing the person to work with his spinal cord in seeding and retrieving messages in the back, from, and to other parts of the body.

No matter how hazardous an injury is to a human's body, it must still be treated urgently and at the right time. Understanding the symptoms correctly, along with their cause and treatment, is also essential.

Effects of Spinal Cord Injury

Effects of a spinal cord injury will indeed differ from person to person, depending upon the type of injury caused on one’s spinal cord.

  • Breathing Problem: It is seen that people suffering from SCI suffer from breathing problems, as they are unable to move their body much in this injury, where asserted pressure on the spinal cord makes pressure on the lungs, making it difficult for the person to breathe properly.
  • Stiffness and Changes in Muscle Tone: Due to the loss of reflexes and movement in the muscles, people feel stiffness in their muscles, making them unable to move freely.
  • Pain: One of the common effects is pain, which entirely depends on the level of injury. However, when it is SCI, the pain is majorly in the back and neck.
  • Bowel and Bladder Problems: An expected effect of SCI is the bowel and bladder, where the patient is unable to consume a past diet, creating a change in the diet, so recovery fast.
  • Depression: An unsaid outcome is a depression, where people suffering from SCI face depression because they are unable to work or perform their past activities efficiently, like earlier in the past.

Now that we have talked about almost every possibility, we have reached the topic of how the rehabilitation period will take place because getting up from bedrest after a period (depending on one injury).

Rehabilitation Period of SCI

People suffering from a spinal cord injury are highly recommended for Spinal Cord Injury Physiotherapy or Rehabilitation. At that time, one should contact us at NeuroLink, a physio and rehab center in Gurgaon, Hyderabad, and soon in Bangalore.

Here at NeuroLink, we provide the best rehabilitation and physiotherapeutic activities for people suffering from SCI.

NeuroLink guides patients through SCI rehabilitation while providing the best ways for the injured person to recover soon. Here, one can avail of the services offered by the top rehabilitating and physiotherapist doctors who are present, guiding you through the practices that will help you recover faster.

Here, at NeuroLink, we will cover different therapies, from physical and vocal to educational activities, so you can soon stand on your feet again without dependency.

The team will not only reduce your dependency but, with unique strategies, bring you back to your healthy state, bit by bit, with our practices, like hand practice and daily habits.


What happens after a spinal cord injury? People after spinal cord injury provide the injured person with stiffness and changes in muscle tone with disturbance in the reflexes.

How many types of Spinal Cord Injuries are there? There are four types of spinal cord injury in total: cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and sacral. Your doctor can tell you what your SCI relates to after your checkup.

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