Some Essential Mobile App Development Frameworks

Posted by Akansha Pandey
Apr 3, 2019

mobile app development frameworks

As we are discussing mobile apps, a new app is being added to both the app & play store. According to a report by Statista, the Google Play Store itself had whopping more than 2 million apps and it is a report from 2018. So, it would be right for us to say that mobile app development is currently leading the marketing scene in the IT industry. As a matter of fact, the past couple of years are marked as the trendsetter period of the mobile apps, as that was the time when mobile app developers realized it is a great way to know customers. The point being, to interact with customers, developers are just a mobile app.

Top-rated app development companies cracked the benefits of building an app, and we decided to enlist those benefits for your convenience:

  • An app helps a company to build its brand name in the industry
  • the companies can stay connected with their customers almost all the time
  • creating a loyal customer base is like a minute job for an app
  • In terms of user’s convenience and availability, an app provides the customer with better customer support

If we talk about Android specifically, then the first step that you need to take in order to build an app is to make sure that you have Android Studio. It is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that has got Android SDK that’ll help you in creating any kind of app with no issues whatsoever. However, we’d like to tell you that Android Studio is just an environment that supports app development, so it is quite necessary for you to have knowledge about codes to build a specific app.

Java is considered to be the official Android language which has been supported by Google itself. As this is a learning moment, it is time to tell you that Java is used to develop the backend, whereas XML is used for designing the layout of any given Android app.

Now it’s the time for us to talk about the things for which you guys actually came for. Here are some of the most common and known frameworks that top-rated app developers use to make apps:

  • Kotlin

Just a few years ago, Kotlin was introduced as the second official language for Android as learning Java is quite hard. The reason being, Kotlin is known for having an easy entry barrier than that of Java. However, being a language, Kotlin isn’t supported that much but the support it has been receiving lately is commendable.

Since it is a new language we can admit to the fact that learning a new language is no joke.

  • Xamarin

It is known amongst the users one of the best Android app development frameworks. To be honest, this framework is known to be having more than 1.5 million users around the globe. C# enthusiasts consider Xamarin as a dream come true since they don’t have to fool around Java. The best part about Xamarin is that it provides mobile app developers with C# code base to develop a native app for other operating systems too.

  • React Native

It is an open source version of Facebook’s Javascript Framework to develop native mobile apps. We can say that it is the most preferred framework among all the others as it is used by so many fortune 500 companies like Instagram, Tesla, and Walmart. It is very hard for an individual to distinguish whether the app is built with Java or React Native. Developers can also manually optimize their React Native app by adding the codes written in different languages like Java, Swift or even objective C.

  • Ionic

Ionic is a free and open source app development framework that is licensed under MIT. Ionic also signifies that it’ll remain a free framework network. Other than that, it is used for building progressive web and native mobile apps. Being a cross-platform framework, one can easily develop mobile apps for Android and can transfer them to other platforms when required.

  • Cordova

Just like Ionic, Cordova is also a free and open source app development framework that use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It is known for developing cross-platform applications while using a single code base which is quite astonishing for a framework. Cordova also provides support for offline scenarios, which makes this framework unique and suitable for developing desktop apps as well.

We hope that this article will help you a lot in choosing a suitable framework. Ultimately the choice lies on your hands.

Final Thoughts

If you are planning on launching an app on the App Store or Play store, then you might need to contact Fluper of your end-to-end assistance. Fluper is one of the leading app development companies in the IT industry who will be really happy to help you out, and if you are lucky enough they might end up building your app for you obviously.

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