Solidarity Against Corona Virus (COVID-19)

Posted by Aahwahan Foundation
Aug 29, 2020

The Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease, and individuals infected with the COVID-19 virus will suffer from mild to moderate respiratory illness. The aged and those with existing medical issues such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer are seriously in danger of suffering from severe illness.

The most appropriate way to prevent and slow down transmission is to create awareness about the COVID-19 virus, the way it spreads, and the various diseases caused by it. Individuals can protect themselves by washing their hands regularly or using an alcohol-based rub and not touching their face. People should practice and get used to social distancing. Currently, there are no specific vaccines for COVID-19.

The real challenge in a diverse country like India with significant numbers of uneducated people with superstitious beliefs is that most individuals do not have an idea of a virus, bacteria, herd immunity, etc. In such a scenario, the efforts of the Aahwahan Foundation would not be enough. The Central Government and various state governments must play a vital role in making them understand the gravity of the situation. Only a collaborated effort from Governments, NGOs, industries, civil society would save the millions from contamination.

The lockdown initiated by the Central Government ensures that the privileged sections of society – the affluent, celebrities, industrialists, and politicians, government officials, corporate employees, etc. are confined to their homes, feel relatively secure, and have a fighting chance against the disease. However, at this critical period, the vulnerable communities – adults, refugees, migrants, wage workers, individuals affected by homelessness are under serious threat of being affected by COVID-19.

The Founder of the Aahwahan Foundation, Braja Kishore Pradhan, during a visit to a slum in Bengaluru, observed that people were not aware of the COVID-19. He also found out that those living in the slums were not using masks or hand sanitizers. Realizing the vulnerability of this marginalized section to the disease, Braja Kishore Pradhan quickly mobilized resources. He set up an internal team that was responsible for distributing masks, hand sanitizers among the slum dwellers along with educating them on the seriousness of the health issue.

As we all commit ourselves to battle the CoronaVirus, the biggest calamity has struck the daily wage workers and the employees working in sectors that have been severely impacted by the virus and the lockdowns caused because of it.The global community is working together to combat an unprecedented challenge – the COVID-19 pandemic. Governments, NGOs, industries, civil society are all collaborating to support any response to this global outbreak.

The situation is grim in India, with more and more cases being reported by the day. The Indian Government’s response has been comprehensive and robust. As a socially responsible NGO with a deep presence at the grassroots, Aahwahan Foundation is committed to supporting the Government’s efforts in containing the spread.
At Aahwahan Foundation, we don't wish to leave any stone unturned to do whatever we can to reduce the struggles of all such citizens. The call of the hour is to work together and attempt to reach everyone who requires help. 

NGO for Health
To facilitate the same, we are launching a campaign to provide immediate funds to these daily wage workers that can take of their basic expenditure for at least a month. 
At this critical period, civil society must come forward and support the vulnerable communities – adults, refugees, migrants, wage workers, individuals affected by homelessness, etc. Your donations to the fund would assist long-term relief for vulnerable communities. Individuals can also make non-monetary contributions – milk, bread, biscuits, rice, wheat, hand sanitizers,
masks, etc.

The NGO has also launched a campaign to spread awareness about COVID-19 among the rural people in Odisha. Aahwahan Foundation Best NGO for Health in Bengaluru appeals to the Government to strengthen the precautions being taken in public paces, offices, manufacturing units. Screening mechanisms, early diagnosis capabilities, isolation infrastructure, should be institutionalized in the long-run to win the fight against Coronavirus Widespread community support for the Government’s efforts across the nation is critical to break the chain of transmission and flatten the curve. As a socially responsible NGO with a deep presence at the grassroots, Aahwahan Foundation would continue to serve the marginalized section and sustain a fact-based campaign to ensure the people are more informed about COVID-19.

The COVID-19 is the most significant medical challenge for this generation of Indians. Our nation is facing a health crisis, unlike any in its history – one that is spreading suffering, impacting the economy, and affecting every citizen’s lives. It is a human crisis that demands solidarity in response. We request the Government to initiate a decisive and innovative policy action. Aahwahan Foundation would always be at the forefront in safeguarding the nation’s health and directing the recovery towards a more sustainable and inclusive path.

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