Skip the OTT Service Stampede: Video Business Requires Direct Contacts Not Just New Programming

Posted by Ashwin P.
Feb 22, 2019

There has been a humungous explosion of video content going viral through redistribution and satellite channels to millions of consumers. To establish the vital link for subscription, a media house requires direct contact with targeted viewers. Considering that there is a huge stampede out there to offer OTT services, reputed entertainment studios, and independent operators require trending solutions via direct to consumer media. It is not an easy game and needs resources and deep pockets.

 Before jumping into the fray and getting stamped out an in-built viewership is essential. It will keep small-time content creators like you in business, despite the presence of big guns in the field. You need to build protective pillars and enjoy direct subscription from dedicated consumers.


Grab The Opportunity:

 A couple of years ago small cable operators would never dream big of establishing a steady business with inbuilt viewers. Today it is a possibility due to altered consumer viewing habits. They have shifted their focus from television programming to viewing entertainment on other devices and screens. Nearly 90% of people now look for content online directly on mobile devices. There is a decline of 3rd party apps and vendors due to content rights issues while sharing content. The viewers have forced local operators and media houses to change their content delivery models. This is the perfect time for independent content creators to have a dedicated viewership for their channels. The direct to consumer media format have turned the tables for the larger broadcasters and have introduced a level playing field. The competition is even. They also need the smaller players or local operators to penetrate their footprint. The demand for niche content further fuels the requisite to go into segments. Businesswise, it is an attention grabbing opportunity despite the stakes being high.

 The foundation of the revenue model will be dependent on:

1.      Content

2.      Audience

3.      Services

4.      Ownerships of OTT services


Amplifying Video Content with Software Apps:


By 2022, all major players will shift their attention to direct to consumer media. Companies that are already into streaming video will be able to switch to the new revenue models as they already have content to showcase and an audience which is captive. It is quite easy for them to get onboard and continue making strides in revenue generation. With direct control, there are no issues pertaining to rights or ownership of the content. Media companies which add production values add distribution software to enhance their chances of expanding business. Software based apps allow operators to tap into the insights from the data of viewing habits. The apps are installed in the main broadcasting center from where the OTT services can be relayed to a wider footprint.


Right Service for Streaming:

 As everyone needs to create new sources of income, digital platforms offer immense possibilities as they have also become immersive and more viewer-centric. The right service for streaming programs adds monetization value for media companies and independent operators. They keep the viewers engaged for longer periods. Depending on the kind of programming you will offer to target audiences the following steps will guide you to be unique rather than being crushed in the stampede of multiple offerings that confuse the consumer. 

·         Start with getting the insight to the currently viewership database. Do they collectively exhibit a common behavior? For example, are most of them baseball fans waiting for the live feeds or highlights? It will help you to choose the right distribution software.

·         Once the software choice is made, it will allow you to add niche advertising and share subscription plans with the audience. Currently, all major networks are moving towards DTC media with a bundle of entertaining programs. Some are already offering high value content as special OTT services.

·         A single infrastructure is sufficient to handle operations of transmissions and redistribution. Re-telecasts of programs are handled from this hub. 

·         Choose a technical media partner who knows encoding management and provides API solutions. They offer complete packages that begin from scheduling the event, management of up linking, video distribution, and also archiving the files once the program is over.

You need to create a roadmap to take the business forward for continued revenue generation. Just adding OTT services is not going to be useful. Knowing your audience will determine which streaming service will add value. With clarity of this vision, instead of jumping into the fray and getting stamped out, you can stay in business. Create solid pillars for operational success.

 Hope this blog offers the strong signal to remodel the media services. 

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