Site Security Impacts SEO - Website Design Company Reveals!
Website security is of paramount importance
not only to protect customers’ personal information and evoke a positive brand
image but also to improve your SEO efforts. Yes, the lack of online security measures
directly affects your SEO! No wonder website design company professionals
focus so much on enhancing the security of any website.
Today, we will take a brief look at how
website security is directly connected to SEO. So, let’s dive in.
Security and SEO – Learn it from Website Design Company Experts
1. Don’t Get Blacklisted
No matter when you have developed the site
or how much content is on it, you must protect what’s yours. You sure don’t
want to find your hard work has been tampered with, right? But website hacking
does just that!
You must know the importance of link
building in developing your site authority. Now, without adequate site
security, the hackers may link to places you don’t want to associate with your
website. Now, search engines won’t understand that it’s not you who encouraged
the spam activities. The hackers will access the admin panel and pose as you!
This is really dangerous as the search engines may blacklist your site for the
spam activities.
The experts at any recognized website
development company in India constantly
remind you to protect the integrity of your site so as not to get penalized
because of unethical hackers. Remember, once you are blacklisted, it will take
a long time to get your reputation back. So it’s better to be safe than sorry!
HTTPS Works as a Ranking Signal
Fresh content is one of the most important
factors for your website to rank high on the search engine, but it’s not
the only factor. No matter how much
fresh content you upload, if your site is not secured enough, all your efforts
may go in vain.
To secure data on your website, you need to
switch to the HTTPS (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure) domain
distinction. Website design services provider recommend you to purchase an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate to attain
the same.
3. User Experience
Nowadays, user
experience is the last word for the search engines to reward you with a high
rank. If you are noting a high bounce rate, the lack of website
security may be the culprit. That’s because if your website doesn’t have HTTPS
or a green padlock in the URL, people may not rely on your site.
This is even truer once it comes to an
ecommerce site. The viewers are time and again warned by various authoritative
sources not to purchase any product from any unsecured website as it may expose
their private information.
For a minute, pose yourself as the
potential buyer. You get attracted by a product displayed at the SERP (Search
Engine Result Page), visit an ecommerce site, add some items in the cart, and
during checkout suddenly notice that there’s no security symbol in the URL!
This will definitely lead you to bounce and visit other sites.
Now, having a website without proper
security measures doesn’t mean you have ill intent. But how can the users
distinguish between your site and someone else’s who really has an ill intent!
So you must engage a professional ecommerce
website design company to ensure that your site is
protected and delivers a top-notch user experience.
Every little measure can improve your SEO
efforts. Just as loading speed and keyword inclusions are two crucial factors
in search engine optimization; so is website security. In fact, security is one
of the core elements of effective SEO practices.
Here’s a quick tip for you. Don’t rush
after individual SEO practice. Simply focus on ensuring that the users leave
your site with a positive impression – be it from the aesthetic perspective or
the technical one.
For more assistance, you may contact
reputed web development service providers
who can take care of your site security.
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