Simple Tips to Prevent Foodborne Diseases this Monsoon

Posted by Bottoms Up Clinic
Jul 29, 2020

Do you like the rainy season ?

Rainy season brings relief in our lives from the scorching heat of summer. However, at the same time, there is also an increased risk of developing various health issues, especially gastrointestinal. 

It’s the time when everyone wants to enjoy a cup of tea and some snacks while it’s raining outside. Your senses naturally draw you closer to the street vendor selling mouthwatering, hot and delicious food, completely disregarding the fact that how unhygienic it can be.

There is a high possibility that one may suffer from fatal gastrointestinal diseases due to the bacteria friendly humid and moist conditions of the monsoon season.

Beware of these symptoms during the monsoon season :

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), foodborne and waterborne diarrheal diseases are heavily reported during the monsoon season. 

However good news is that this problem can be prevented. The first step of doing that is to recognise the problematic symptoms.

Foodborne diseases during the monsoon can cause these symptoms

  • Diarrhoea (the acute and most common symptom of foodborne illness )
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Dehydration
  • Stomach ache
  • Acidic reflux
  • Fever

If left untreated these symptoms can lead to other serious complications. So visit your Gastrointestinal doctor and get a checkup done.

How to keep Foodborne diseases at bay, this monsoon :

Let’s know about simple, pocket-friendly and amazing tricks to prevent foodborne diseases and how to keep them at bay during this monsoon.

1.Consume clean water

Making sure that you drink boiled and filtered water, will reduce your chances of catching any infections during this monsoon. Dirty and unfiltered water can lead to the development of stomach infections that can cause diarrhea, vomiting and severe dehydration. 

Avoid eating outside as rainwater can contaminate the food and water.

If you are already suffering from diarrhea this monsoon you can tackle the illness by replacing lost fluids and electrolytes. Drink ORS prepared in filtered water to prevent dehydration. Meet your Gastrointestinal doctor as medications like antibiotics prescribed by the doctor can help in getting rid of diarrhoea.

Beware, if you have bloody diarrhoea as this may be a sign of bacterial or parasitic infection. In this case, you must meet your Gastrointestinal doctor or nearest health care provider without a delay.

2. Uphold good hand hygiene

The importance of washing hands cannot be stressed enough. Clean hands reduce the chances of infection significantly. Because if your food is clean and your hand is dirty, you are inviting infection.

To wash your hands properly, you must wet your hands thoroughly and apply soap. Then, rub the back of your hands and after that rub both your hands interlocking your fingers. After rubbing your finger and thumbs, rinse your hands properly.

Wash your hands before and after you handle food and go to the washroom. Follow this healthy habit, even when you’re changing diapers, or touching animals. This will prevent the transmission of harmful bacteria and viruses.

3. Avoid cross-contamination

Cross-contamination is the physical movement or transfer of harmful bacteria from one person, object or place to another.

To avoid cross-contamination make sure that :

  • Raw meat and eggs are placed away from the rest of the food items in the refrigerator (because the juices of raw meat can lead to cross-contamination)
  • Cutting-board and knives are washed after using them.
  • Choose airtight containers to store food.
  • Don’t leave cooked or uncooked food out in the open for a longer period of time as it can attract insects and flies which carry infection.
  • Wash all the utensils properly and Avoid using the same utensils.
  • Don’t serve raw food and serve fresh food on the same plate.
  • Avoid eating outside but in case, you are eating outside, see to it that the plates, knives, and spoons you use are clean.

4. Eat fresh and freshly cooked food

Eat fresh produce that is properly washed and properly cooked. Avoid eating junk food and roadside snacks. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables will not only reduce chances for infection but they will also improve your immunity. Make sure that the fruits and vegetables are freshly cut. You can sprinkle, rock salt, pepper, garlic, ginger, jeera powder, coriander and turmeric on the vegetables and stir fry them. Added spices also boost immunity and improve digestion. Don’t eat cold or refrigerated foods, especially meat and rice. Heat the food at high temperatures properly before consuming them.

Following these simple tips will not only keep you but your family healthier this monsoon. If you experience troublesome symptoms that indicate any gastrointestinal disease visit your Gastrointestinal doctor immediately for a check-up.

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