Simple Steps in Developing a Feeding Habit for Your Baby at Meal Time

When you first start to feed baby, it is likely he will eat on his own schedule, and it might not match up with the rest of the family. As he becomes more accustomed to solid baby foods, however, try to time his meals so that he can have his meals with the family, or at least sit down to a snack while everyone else is eating too.
1. Start with One Meal
It will probably be difficult to get baby to have three meals a day with the family. At first, he will not even be eating three solid meals a day. He will start with one and work his way up. When establishing his one solid meal a day, you can time it so that he is eating with the rest of the family.
2. Bring Baby to the Table
Pull your baby's high chair close to the table so that he feels like he is really a part of the family meal. It is a good idea to sit him in his chair every time the family sits down to eat, even if he is not having a meal at the same time. He will get used to the routine, and will have a chance to watch the rest of the family eat. From this, he will start to show an interest in feeding himself, and in trying different baby foods. Let him play with a baby spoon and a bowl while you are eating, even if they are empty. He can start to practice the motor skills needed to feed him one day. If baby is eating finger foods, give him a small snack to enjoy while you have your meal. These things will keep him occupied so that you can eat, and keep him from feeling left out!
3.Getting Everyone Fed
Feeding a baby while attempting to have a meal yourself can be a challenge. Between the mess baby is making and the challenge of getting a bite into your mouth while your meal is still warm, the task can feel like more trouble than it is worth. When you are first having meals with baby, start with a dinner for the family that will not be too awful if it gets a bit cold.
Cold wraps, salads, and sandwiches are a good choice. Also, try to choose foods that you can eat with one hand while feeding baby with the other. Give baby a few bites of finger foods in between bites of her meal; so that you can put her spoon down for a while and let her feed her while you eat.
Feeding baby does not have to be always the task of one person. Take turns with it, allowing older children to try it as well. This gives everyone a chance to interact with the baby at the table, and mother will get a break and a chance to eat a meal in peace while it is still hot. As your baby's eating skills advance, so is your feeding therapy, you will soon be able to offer her the same foods that everyone else is eating. Cut up a few bites of whatever the rest of the family is having for dinner, and make up a plate for your baby to try. Chances are she will be so happy to be eating what she sees everyone else eating that she will be more than willing to feed herself while everyone enjoys their meal.
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