Should You Consider To Buy House Ridden With Rising Damp?

Posted by Rising Damp
Sep 12, 2022
So you want to buy a house? But these days to buy a good real estate property in premium condition can create a significant dent in your pocket. Thereby, many people choose to buy a property in slightly dilapidate condition to save some money. While there are many problems with which a buyer still buys a property without batting an eye. But there are certain problems like rising damp that create a sense of doubt in the mind of a prospective property buyer ahead of sealing the deal. Why is that? Is it because rising damp is untreatable? Is it because the cost associated with the rising damp solution is quite a lot? 

Let’s look if it is practical to buy a house that is ridden with rising damp.

I’ve been in the building industry for 27 years.

1 - What Causes Rising Damp Issue In Homes?
Rising damp occurs due to the absorption of ground moisture in the walls of the building. When this dampness caused by the ground moisture starts to rise the walls of a structure, it is referred to as rising damp. Often the water that travels upwards contains salt, this salt gets sedimented after the dampness evaporates. This salt also poses threat to the structural integrity of a structure. Thus, the rising damp solution must be implemented soon.

2 - A solution to Rising Damp?
Although it may seem on the surface level that rising damp is quite a problematic issue without a solution. However, that is not the case in reality. There’s a solution to rising damp. A Damp Proof Course or DPC is an easy and cost-effective solution. However, once the problem of rising damp goes unnoticed for a long period of time, it can escalate to a level wherein it will cause structural damage.

3 - Should You Buy a House With Rising Damp?
You have seen a house and like it but it has an active problem of rising damp. This problem is enough to ward off many buyers. But before you have decided against buying the property get the severity of the rising damp analysed. This way you can get it checked how serious the problem of rising damp is. Or how much will it cost to conduct a thorough rising damp solution treatment? If it’s a feasible amount then you can think of buying the property and negotiate the pricing.

4 - What about structural damage?
Rising damp can cause structural problems to a structure when it goes unnoticed for a long time. Prolonged exposure to dampness, leaves the structure of any building weak and delicate. Thus, it is also important to get a property affected by rising damp analysed by a structural engineer. A structural engineer will be able to tell the extent of damage caused by rising damp and accordingly will suggest a solution. Along with intensive structural damage, there are also surface level damages caused by rising damp. Like, the peeling of plaster, stain, spotting of paint and more. Count the cost of all this when thinking of buying a property ridden with rising damp. It will help you analyse the pricing better and help you negotiate the amount.

It's not like people don't buy houses that have rising damp. However, when purchasing such a property, keep the property's pricing and rising damp solution treatment in mind. In addition, if structural changes are required. Will it still be profitable for you to buy the property after you factor in all of these costs, or will it be better for you to buy another property? Consider all of these factors before purchasing a rising damp-affected property.

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