Set of ERP Challenges That Manufacturers Need to Overcome

Posted by Santanu Das
May 22, 2018

This article sums up all the crucial challenges that manufacturers, distributors or different businesses face while implementing ERP software into their technological infrastructure.


Most entrepreneurs or manufacturers shy away from the idea of implementing ERP into their technology environment. They fear that members of organisations will fail to adopt to the changes despite the higher costs associated with its implementation. Besides, there are many other fears associated with ERP implementation like an underperforming solution, complicated user-interface, or improper data migration.

However, most big and small companies are going for ERP implementation for enhanced processes, streamlined control and a paperless environment.  

The biggest deal for them is to conquer the challenges to assure the success of ERP implementation. Here’s the list of challenges. 

Finding a fitting most solution


Not every business are same in terms of internal process and neither does a single ERP solution with cater to the requirements of all businesses. Thus, the first most challenging aspect for businessmen is to find a partner or ERP vendor who can provide them with a tailored solution on hearing their processes and needs.

Modules integrations


The difficulty for the entrepreneurs arises in deciding the which of their processes or operational areas needs ERP integration. This task is particularly more challenging for large organisations that have a vast number of divisions, departments and even sub-departments.

So, it is difficult to understand integration which processes will actually turn advantageous for the entire workflow.  


Setting of objectives or goals

Obvious, implementation cannot go without some prior goals or purpose. It can become directionless and more challenging.

In short, the enterprises must set out on the journey of ERP implementation with a defined set of goals and state them to the implementation team beforehand.

Deciding customisation 

Businesses need to understand that they are not just buying a packaged software application, but only the fundamental solution or platform to get one. So, the entrepreneurs have to get the right ERP partners who could build befitting ERP applications with extensive customisation considering their processes, capacity and other business criteria.

The list of upfront challenges that enterprises face in implementing is long. But, these are the most hard-hitting ones, without defying which enterprises cannot lay the foundation of their ERP success. While the game of ERP is here to stay, you need to keep these challenges in mind when it’s your time to execute and integrate an ERP solution in your business.

Author bio: .. Santanu Das is an avid software developer at Envertis, a premier ERP solutions provider in India who is expert at delivering low-cost ERP solutions to businesses of all domains catering to their unique processes. Envertis is also the trusted Odoo partner and makes use of Odoo to develop powerful frontrunning ERP systems.

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