Self Care for Home Carers
Working as a home carer is a fantastically rewarding and an important role, yet it can be an exceptionally stressful one and in the current
climate with coronavirus, take a serious emotional toll on home carers. The
most effective carer is a happy and healthy carer, and it’s imperative that
care agencies empower and nurture their staff to look after themselves.
Why is the work of Are home carers especially stressful?
There’s probably not a single role in the care industry that
doesn’t have its stresses, but those working in-home care can really find their
job takes an emotional toll on their wellbeing. The work of home carers
differentiates from other carers in several ways:
The requirement to enter people’s homes is an intimate, and
sometimes daunting, one. Patients who require home care are in their own
domain. Whilst this has numerous advantages for the wellbeing of the patient,
it can often mean that a home carer has to work in an environment that isn’t
optimised to patient care.
Patients are often very ill, with long-term deteriorating
and debilitating conditions. Home carers see people at their worst, and often
in a very delicate and unhappy state. Following a patient’s journey with little
to no positive progress can be at the best disheartening, and often very
upsetting. Without the ability to ‘link-up’ and work in collaboration with
medical staff in the way they would in a hospital or hospice environment, this
can cause strain.
PPE requirements can be uncomfortable. Home carers now have
to wear PPE for both their own and their client's protection and the hours
spent wearing PPE can be uncomfortable. During the COVID-19 pandemic, PPE
requirements have increased for most home care agencies and with a lack of
centralised resources for many, equipment may not fit properly or just be
generally uncomfortable.
Scheduling can be difficult! Home carers can’t just leave a
client and move to their next if the client is unwell or in need of additional
help or care – because nine times out of ten, there’s just no one else to do
it. Home carers often find they’re unable to scheduled effectively because of
varying client needs and as a result, frequently work later and for longer.
Why is self-care important for home carers?
The best and most effective home carers are those who are
happy and healthy. In reality, the job can be exhausting. It’s therefore
important that home carers take time for themselves to ensure they’re feeling
good and remain healthy in order to complete their role to the best of their
How can carers best
practice self-care?
Despite what the internet may tell you, self-care isn’t all
long bubble baths and complicated yoga poses (although… feel free to give them
a try if you fancy!). Some minor lifestyle changes can be made to help promote
better emotional wellbeing and enhanced health.
These include, but
are by no means limited to:
Getting enough sleep – too many early starts or late nights
will take its toll, so try to mix upshifts and schedules where appropriate.
Sleep should be in as dark and neutral a room as possible, on a comfortable and
supportive mattress and preferably without interruption.
Exercising regularly – The nature of home carer’s roles is
that they’re on their feet for most of the day, but this doesn’t necessarily
equate with physical fitness. Just 30 mins of exercise a day, even if just a
brisk walk, can have massive health benefits, and help to clear the mind.
Taking holidays –
Paid holiday time exists for a reason! Home carers must take care to use
their holiday allowance to truly ‘take a break’ when needed: in physical and
mental terms.
Talking about anything bothering you – Any issues should be
raised directly with employers immediately, and care agencies should aim to
foster an environment of transparency with all of their staff.
Taking time to do things that you enjoy – Make time for
yourself to enjoy the things that de-stress you and bring you joy.
Are you interested a home care jobs in Epsom? Find out
more about working in-home care and the opportunities that we have available in
and around Epsom at AM2PM Quality Care.
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