Say "NO!" and disconnect

Posted by Szabolcs Titko
Apr 17, 2014

Time is one of the most valuable resources you have. I think it’s true for everybody! How and where you spend your time determines the quality of your life. And you need to get control over your time.

Especially as I started my Internet Business in spare time, I have to rethink how I spend the very little time I have left for me most effectively. It can be done, because everybody on the planet has the same amount time. And there are people who can do their stuff every day.

In my first article in this series I started to discuss the possibility to make more time for your family or business. This was the first rule: Do less!

In the second article I wrote about the rule of working, or not working.

In the third article you could read about Schedule and Obsession.

In the fourth article you could read about the Chunks of Time.

Now lets see the last few rules!


Learn to say “NO!” more often

In alignment with the first trick (Can You remember? :)), always ask yourself if it really makes sense to say yes to something. A new commitment is doing more, not less.

So learn to say “No!” more often. It will give you more time for your Yes! Maybe just try it out and see. It will be hard, but it will worth it!


Start with your most important task!

This is a very productive way because when you start your working day with what is most important you will accomplish 3 great things:

1. You don’t get distracted and side-tracked by “accidents”.

2. You come with full energy to your important task.

3. You are actually doing your most important task.


Disconnect Yourself

If all else fails: shut the doors, cut your internet connection and turn off all devices. Then do your work. This works wonders for me if I just can’t bring myself to getting it done.


Make a daily plan

Start the day with the preparing for the daily work. Go through the day mentally and write down the tasks you want to accomplish. At the end of the day, spend time looking on your daily goals.


And the most important: Not just read about it! Do it!

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Comments (2)
Szabolcs Titko

Working on future

Hi Zhang! Thank You for your comment. You're right!

Apr 28, 2014 Like it
Zhang D.


Time is one of the most valuable resources you have.cherish the time we have.

Apr 28, 2014 Like it
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