Sarah Lazow Follows These 2 Things To Manage Time At Work

Posted by noushad amir
Aug 29, 2021

While speaking with Sarah Lazow about the struggles she faced at her Production firm Marada Pictures, it was very clear that she was exceptional at managing time. Not only did she manager her firm and her own time, she was also involved in managing the time of her staff members. She had stated that while managing her own time was necessary, it was also important to suggest my staff members when to do what. It helped them not only attain a perfect work life balance but also helped them in avoiding health issues amidst the pandemic. 

Sarah has been very persistent about her work and likes to do the job at hand as soon as possible and not within the deadline. She states that it affects her reputation positively by submitting the completed task days before the deadline which speaks that we are taking the client seriously and valuing their time and money spent. To help you manage your time, Sarah has stated that these two following things need to be done:

  1. Learn to set alarms

Unlike Sarah Lazow make the use of alarms to wake up from their dreams and face the reality in the morning or whenever they are taking a nap. However, Sarah does it differently because she sets alarms for almost every task on a daily basis at least for the 9-10 hours that she works every day. It helps in understanding that there is not much time left to do the job and one can stop procrastinating when there is an alarm set. It is a reminder that the task needs to be completed and the brain starts functioning in a peculiar way which enhances performance. You only need to set alarms during the work hours. 

  1. Plan ahead

For Sarah Lazow planning is very important before you take the charge for any sort of work that you are doing. You need to be well aware about the techniques you will be using in completing the task and you must have an estimation about the result that you can expect. Planning and forecasting goes hand in hand, so you can find out measures you will take if the task completion does not go as planned. This process helps you in implementing the countering strategies to negate the losses. 

Related Post: Who is Sarah Lazow – IMDB

If you are also struggling with time management, you can start setting alarms for competing all goals small or large. You should also start planning ahead before you start working on any given assignment or task.

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