Salivary Gland Disorders: What You Need to Know About

May 26, 2021

In order to lubricate your mouth, protect your teeth against bacteria, help with swallowing, and aid in the digestion of food, salivary glands play a vital role. But some problems can obstruct the function of the salivary glands. Let’s know what these problems are and how they can be treated.

Salivary glands in humans produce saliva in order to keep our mouth moist, protect our teeth from rapid decay, and to help us digest our food. The salivary glands are relatively small and found around the inner linings of our lips, cheeks, and mouth. Well, a number of Salivary Gland Obstruction can affect our salivary glands. While some conditions can be recovered with time or antibiotics, others demand more serious treatments, including surgery. If you are wondering how to recognize you have any sort of Salivary Gland Disorder, look for the following symptoms.

Symptoms of Salivary Gland Disorders

·         Foul taste in the mouth

·         Pain and discomfort

·         An infection

·         Dry mouth

·         Swelling. Swelling is the most common symptom because the way you experience swelling can help to determine what actually is causing the problem. Your doctor may ask you specific questions, like:

·         Is the swelling frequently changing or spreading to other areas?

·         Is the swelling in one specific place or everywhere?

·         Is the swelling constant, or does it fluctuate?

·         Does eating affect the swelling?

Treatment of Inflammatory Salivary Gland Disease

Most Salivary Gland Disorders are often classified as inflammatory salivary gland disease. And if you approach the best ENT care physicians and specialists, you can get the best care available for these disorders, including treatment for:

Salivary Gland Stones: Being small, calcium-rich deposits, these stones can form inside the salivary glands.

Sialadenitis: When there is an infection in the salivary gland, the condition is known as Sialadenitis. It is often painful & usually caused by bacteria. If neglected, sialadenitis can develop into a severe infection.

Cysts: These are small fluid-filled sacs and can occur in babies’ parotid glands due to problems in ear development before birth. Cysts can also result in infections, salivary gland stones, tumors, or even traumatic injuries.

Besides, you can also get the right treatment for Benign Tumors, Malignant Tumors, Sjogren’s Syndrome, Sialadenosis, and Conductive Hearing Loss if approaching experienced and skilled ENT specialists. So, if you or your loved one is facing any kind of salivary gland disorder, do not neglect the condition, and approach the best specialist as soon as you can. 

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