Rules of Recycling for Newport Beach Homeowners

Posted by Legal S.
Jul 27, 2024
Effective waste management is crucial for maintaining the appeal and value of an area. 

Excessive waste not only diminishes aesthetic appeal and lowers property values but also contributes to significant land and air pollution.

Recycling Rules for Newport Beach

In response to these issues, California imposed stringent recycling mandates which has prompted cities to enact regulations in order to ensure compliance.

Previously, curbside recycling had been done on a voluntary basis. However, the Newport Beach City Council expanded its waste collecting and made curbside recycling mandatory. 

Under the new requirements each household within the city is provided with 4 receptacles. 

4 receptacle requirement

Of the 4 receptacles provided one is dedicated for trash, one is for recyclables, one is for organic waste, and one is a two-gallon pail used for collecting organic materials in the kitchen. 

Choosing the size

Residences can choose the size of their recycling receptacle of 32, 64, and 96 gallons and may request up to one additional recycling receptacle without an additional fee. 

Unlike other areas, residents of Newport Beach do not need to sign up for the recycling service. 

The city covers the costs of recycling through the municipal bill, although this only applies to the recycling portion, not the entire refuse collection service.


To learn more, contact Newport Beach Real Estate Attorneys today -- Go to or call (800) 233-8521 for a complimentary phone consultation.

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