Roofing Contractor in Louisville KY – Are You in Search of One?

Posted by Roof It Right
Apr 11, 2021
If you are in charge of the maintenance for a commercial, industrial, or official building, how do you handle roof maintenance?

There are obvious benefits of using building staff to routinely evaluate the roof. First, they are already in the building, and there is no additional cost. Second, the building maintenance staff should already have maintenance schedules set up for HVAC and other equipment, so therefore, adding a roof program should be simple to do.

But this comes with cons as well. The employed staff may not know what to look for. Moreover, they might have other commitments that make it difficult to have enough time to the job. Besides that, this is a job that requires a high level of expertise. For example, the staff may not know to look for clear things like perforations, holes and tears in the flashing, flashing that is  sliding and opening at the top, corroded metal components, or debris building up on the roof.

Another choice is to hire an architect or expert who has specialization in roof consulting. These can be a bit costly and difficult to find, and they need to be contracted and scheduled. But with those downsides come a lot of advantages. The first is that they have no conferred interest in the result of the roof survey: Their fees don't change whether the roof is in debilitated condition or excellent condition. A competent roofing contractor Louisville KY knows what to look for — not only the comprehensible elements but also the abnormal conditions that damage roofs and cause failures. The consultant will also understand why problems are there, will know the most suitable repairs and can define specifications for repairs that will rectify issues discovered during the inspection. Loaded with a particular scope of work, the facility manager can invite bids on a job-to-job basis. The third benefit, expressly with architects, is that they know the entire property and can identify problems that are not roof-based.

Contractors differ-greatly in terms of expertise, given the level of personnel sent out to carry out the inspection. Some are great and do a professional, well-informed job. Others send out their repair mechanics who may know how to make generic repairs but may not know the system that is on your roof. If they are used to asphalt-based roofs and you have a single-ply membrane, they may not have the know how to do a capable inspection.

If a contractor carries out the inspections for "free," be careful. There is no such thing as a free buck. It sometimes means that the contractor has to get repairs to pay for the cost of the inspection. If you have one contractor perform the check and then "bid out" the repairs related to roofing Louisville KY in a bid to keep the process unbiased, there is no guarantee that the work done will match the required maintenance. Why? If you need to refill seven pitch pans, you need to stipulate which seven. Bidding off a report may not be sufficient to promise the repairs needed are the repairs really made. The contractor doing the inspection also knows that it has an advantage in this bid situation as it is the one stating the scope of work.
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