Role of technology in building a more equitable and inclusive society

Posted by Manat Banerjee
May 19, 2024

In today's world, technology touches nearly every part of our lives. From the smartphones in our pockets to the computers in schools and offices, advanced tools and systems are integrated into our routines. While these innovations make tasks easier and more efficient, technology also has an incredible power to promote equity and inclusivity across society.

 At its core, the vision of using technology for the greater good stems from one key principle - access should be a universal right, not an exclusive privilege. By democratizing the ability to tap into information, education, and essential services, technology can level the playing field. It can empower communities that have historically faced disadvantages and marginalization.

 Leading this charge is NEC India, a pioneering global company in the information technology and cybersecurity industries. NEC is much more than just an innovator of new technologies - the company is actively devoted to creating a more connected, inclusive world for all people.

 One way NEC India champions inclusion is through contactless payment systems for public transit. Their automatic fare collection solutions allow bus and train riders to simply tap a card or mobile wallet to pay their fare without needing cash or printed tickets. This seamless approach makes public transportation significantly more accessible and affordable, regardless of someone's economic status.

 In the past, the need for exact change or a physical ticket was an obstacle that prevented some people from being able to use trains and buses reliably. Thanks to NEC's contactless systems, those economic barriers have been lifted for all riders across entire transit networks.

 But NEC India's commitment to equity goes far beyond just transportation. In healthcare, their advanced biometric identification technology is increasing accuracy and security for tracking patient data. This made quality care more accessible.    

 What makes their approach truly powerful is that it is rooted in deep listening and collaboration with local communities. The company makes an active effort to understand the real needs and challenges facing different populations. Then, inclusive solutions are co-created by bringing a diversity of voices into the process.

 While technological innovations alone cannot solve longstanding societal divisions, they become a great force for progress when shaped with empathy, open dialogue, and an intentional commitment to inclusion.

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