Posted by Jacksons M.
Jun 1, 2019

Your tyres play a very important role when it comes to the performance and efficiency of the car. Poorly maintained or the wrong tyres can have an adverse effect on your car in terms of safety and throughput of the car as well. Therefore, it is essential to keep in consideration that the right set of tyres can maximise your car’s performance up to a great extent. To get the most out of your car, choose the right set of tyres which match the needs and requirements of your car, according to the driving style and condition.


When we speak of the age or the life of the tyres, it depends on many factors and varies from vehicle to vehicle. The factors which should be taken into consideration while calculating the shelf life of the tyres are as follows:

The quality of the tyre (kind of rubber used, dimensions of tread block, etc.)

The surface conditions on which the car will run

The driving style and pattern of the driver

The maintenance and servicing status and frequency of the car

According to the tyre experts at Michelin, you should get your tyres examined by a professional after your tyre has been used for five years or more. After 10 years of usage of your car, the wisest thing to do is to get your tyres replaced by new ones. In terms of miles that you’ve driven your car for, ideally, you may drive your car for 20,000 miles on your front tyres and 40,000 miles on your rear ones. Again, the life of the tyres can vary according to the above factors.


Irrespective of the budget category of the tyre that you choose, proper maintenance and care are very important to get the maximum output in terms of performance and safety from the tyres. Following are some factors that you should keep in mind to push your tyre’s limits and make the most out of it:


A proper level of air pressure is essential for the efficient functioning of your car’s tyres. Under-inflated tyres increase the rolling resistance that eventually requires a higher amount of fuel to function. That implies spending more money on fuel and gas. Similarly, over-inflated tyres decrease the traction and increase the chances of a blowout. Therefore, maintain the required level of air pressure in all the tyres. To know the standard air pressure for your car, refer to the user manual or check the door of the driver’s side.


Being the only part which is in direct contact with the road, your tyres are automatically exposed to a higher risk of wear and tear. As a responsible motorist, ensure that the tread depth of your tyre meets the legal set standard, i.e., 1.6mm and the wear and tear is even across the whole circumference of the tyre. However, the tyre’s performance will decrease if the tread depth is below 3mm. Keep examining the tread depth of your car at regular intervals by performing the penny test or take it down to a workshop for a professional check-up.


If at any time you feel that your tyres are wobbling, it probably is because of the imbalance of the tyres. Imbalanced tyres can have an adverse effect on your car’s tyres like causing non-uniform wear and tear. You can easily get your wheels balanced by a mechanic at any garage.


The way you handle and manage your vehicle majorly affects its condition. One should keep away from driving at a very high speed or driving in a rash or rough way. To prolong the life of your car tyres, always make it a point to handle the steering wheel calmly and patiently at a moderate speed.


The load on your vehicle is basically the load on your wheels. To ensure uniform distribution of that load all over the wheels, make sure to rotate them at regular intervals. It is recommended by a lot of manufacturers to rotate your tyres after driving them for every 7500 miles. In case of any uncertainty, it is always best to seek professional help.

Choosing the right set of tyres is equivalently important to following a healthy service and maintenance routine. No matter how good a tyre is in terms of quality and budget, if you don’t take proper care, you will never be able to make the most out of the tyres and will receive low ROI. For purchasing the best range of feature loaded tyres from the well-known brands of the market and, for giving your car’s tyres thorough servicing by a team of experienced mechanics, bring your vehicle down to Jackson MOT tyres Northampton and go back home with a contented heart and mind!

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