Reward Programs: How Are They Better?

Posted by Xeno Marketing
Jul 12, 2022

Many businesses these days are offering rewards programs. You might have heard of customer loyalty programs. Reward programs are something like that only, but a little better. If designed and implemented properly, these reward programs can influence the customer behavior in your brand’s favor. Let us see how you can keep your rewards program’s mentors engaged.

#1 Reward non-purchase behaviors

Encourage your members to take actions that can promote your business. One thing to note here is that it does not necessarily mean that the members have to buy something to let your business grow. They could also receive rewards for non-purchase behaviors such as signing up your mailing list, recommending your business to friends, sharing your business on social media and so on. 

#2 Give instant discounts

Many consumers these days do not like accumulating offers/discounts. Instead they prefer instant discounts that can help them win cashback or save more on their purchase. You must allow that to enhance their shopping experience and make your brand popular.

#3 Big rewards for big purchases

Customers who shop big from you should be rewarded big. This will encourage them to buy again from your brand and it will also highlight your business. Many retailers on social media nowadays highlight customers who have placed big orders. This not only makes the customers feel valued but also showcases that your brand is loved by customers.

#4 Allow rewards redemption from anywhere

Just like omnichannel loyalty programs, incorporate the omnichannel strategy on reward programs as well. Make it possible for members to redeem rewards from any channel irrespective of how they earned them. For example, if a customer earned reward points for sharing your business on social media, they should be able to use these reward points at your offline store.

#5 Easily accessible loyalty cards

One thing you must understand is that not every customer prefers the same thing. Some customers might appreciate the gift card that you give them once they enter the rewards program but they want to use it in many ways. For example, some customers would prefer keeping a digital loyalty card that can be accessed at any time, even during online purchases from their mobile phones.

#6 Allow clear tracking of rewards

You must develop a system to communicate at regular intervals with your reward program members about their current reward points and their expiry date, if any. You can send them a monthly email of how many reward points they have so that it is easier for customers to keep a track of their rewards. You can also send them emails when they earn reward points. Customers tend to shop more from brands that communicate clearly.

Now, before we conclude, here are some easy to apply tips that will make your reward programs more effective.

  Offer a welcome bonus to your customers. For instance, someone just registered their email with you. Ta da! Here are their 10 reward points. Then, keep giving them 10 reward points each for every detail that they share with you like phone number, birthday, home address and so on.

     Do not complicate the terms and conditions as not every customer has a day to understand the complexities of your reward programs.

     Send emails to encourage the customers to earn more reward points. Keep giving them exciting offers so that they always keep coming back.

It is time to build a loyal customer base for your business and your rewards program can do that exactly. Use these tips to create an ever-exciting, omnichannel rewards system for your customers and the results that you will achieve will be phenomenal. 

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