Review: Worldprofit’s Home Business Bootcamp Training with George Kosch on Feb 24, 2012.

Posted by Tim Ricke
Feb 29, 2012

The Feb 24th session of Worldprofit’s Home Business Bootcamp Training with George Kosch was jam-packed with useful information.

Topics included;

Basics for newbies
Ad Swaps
Email Marketing
Safe Swaps
The Numbers Game of Marketing
AWeber Get Response
PLR Vault – this is an underutilized resource and FREE for all Members. Check there often for updates of new products. Document Sharing
Article Marketing
Article Ebook Creator

-Absolute vital Importance of active promotion if you want to make money online
-Bootcamp Training Videos – the unbelievable jaw-dropping resistance of new Members to watching the training!
-Online Success doesn’t just happen, it takes work and time, consistent application of the skills and strategies taught in the training.
-The people making money online are the ones doing the PROMOTION. They are not the ones who are learning all about Facebook, or all about SEO, or all about Linked In and so forth. The people making money online are the ones following our training and using the resources we provide to do the PROMOTION. Yes, learn as you go but do not let the LEARNING distract from you from DOING the action that has a direct result to your sales success – PROMOTION.
-Questions taken and answered throughout the training session.

1) Monitor Appreciation. We are working on a report for a tally of Monitors, hours and sales. The goal is to both recognize and honour the hard work and dedication of our valued Monitor Team.
2) PDF Ebook Creator. We have been working on a new free tool for Silver and Platinum VIP Members called the PDF Ebook Creator. This tool allows you to select any of the articles currently in the Article Directory (480 titles as of today) and easily select the articles you wish to use to create a custom Ebook. Members will be able to select the articles you wish to include, then create a customized header, a title, a template, an Introduction, Table of Contents, Summary, and a Resource section with your own contact links. This program is in BETA meaning it is still being developed so there will be bugs until officially completed. Ebooks have always been popular but document sharing is new and hot. These ebooks are excellent promotion and sales tools for the exclusive use of Worldprofit members. The PDF Ebook Creator is extremely easy to use. George provided a demonstration during the training.

1) Integration of both AWeber and Get Response to the landing pages to help Members build their own lists. A large, response OPT-IN email list is critical to growing your sales and your online business. We’ve added this integration into some of the Landing Pages already, and the rest will follow along with the ability for Members to add your own photo to the landing pages.
2) Notification of sales by Monitor to the referring Dealer now in place with positive feedback.

IMPORTANT NOTE for NEW Worldprofit Members: If you are brand new to Worldprofit and feeling a little overwhelmed by the amount of information you have been provided, or the various terms being use, we urge you watch the BASIC TRAINING VIDEO. The basic training video covers terms you should know, the basics of our program and what you need to focus on to get on track to making money online with the Worldprofit system. Find this video in your Member area, on the TOP MENU select TRAINING then click on the link for the video that is marked as the MUST WATCH BEGINNER’S VIDEO. If you have any questions submit a Support form so we can also help you that way.

Thank you to each of you for participating actively in today’s LIVE interactive Home business bootcamp training. We had lots of questions today and we encourage this. The LIVE training is the perfect opportunity to tap into George Kosch’s expertise and get direct instant answers with on-screen demonstration as relevant.

A few comments from today’s Home Business Bootcamp participants about the training and latest Worldprofit innovations being developed for Members.

Barbara: This is really GREAT! What a great way to promote….
James: the idea of getting them out seamlessly is the BIG value in what you are doing George. It is fantastic to have this push button system you are creating!
Thomas: GREAT!!!
Althea: Great George thanks

Recording of Feb 24th, 2012 Bootcamp Training: The recording of today’s session will be posted later today to the Member area (under top menu TRAINING) for the convenience of those not able to attend the LIVE training.

Next LIVE Home Business Bootcamp Training: March 2, 2012 at 10 AM CT with Instructor George Kosch.

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Worldprofit, Inc., provides a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Services include home business training, affiliate marketing training, earn-at-home programs, traffic tools, advertising, webcasting, hosting, design, WordPress Blogs and more. Find out why Worldprofit is considered the # 1 online Home Business Training program by getting a free Associate Membership today. For details and to obtain your free associate membership, click here.

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