Reverse Mortgage Information: The Benefits and Disadvantages Consumers Need to Know
mortgage loans are somewhat controversial loans. While most experts recognize
the obvious benefits these loans offer, some also advise consumers to exercise
caution. The decision to obtain a reverse mortgage should not be taken lightly.
When looking for information on reverse mortgages, consumers should make sure
they fully understand the benefits and drawbacks of these loans.
Reverse Mortgage Information: Disadvantages Every Borrower Should Consider
For complete
information on reverse mortgages, consumers should know that these loans have
certain disadvantages. Consumers are generally cautioned that reverse mortgages
are expensive. Like other home loans, these loans bear interest and are subject
to various fees. Borrowers must also pay mortgage insurance premiums, have
their home appraised, and pay for a HUD-approved counseling session. While most
of these costs carry over to the loan, they must eventually be repaid.
To choose
the most beneficial loan, borrowers are urged to compare all of their different
options before obtaining a loan. In most cases, home equity loans will be less
expensive. The difference is that borrowers must make monthly home equity loan
payments, whereas a reverse mortgage will not require repayment until the
borrower is no longer occupying the residence. Borrowers without cash often
find this benefit worth the additional cost.
are also sometimes warned that a loan could affect their eligibility for
government assistance. Fortunately, while this reverse mortgage information
is shared frequently, it is only somewhat true. Under no circumstances will a
person's Social Security or Medicare benefits be affected.
Medicaid and
Supplemental Security Income (SSI), on the other hand, could be affected. Since
these programs require individual beneficiaries to have less than $ 2,000 in
liquid assets and couples to have less than $ 3,000, income from the reverse
mortgage can affect eligibility. However, this is only true if the earnings are
not spent within the calendar month in which they are received. It is quite
possible that a loan will not affect a person's government assistance at all.
consumers are also concerned about tapping into their home equity too soon.
Borrowing against your own capital is always a risk. To reduce this risk,
consumers are urged to consider whether the time is right for a loan. However,
it is important to remember that today's low interest rates may not last
forever. While looking for information on reverse mortgages, consumers must
carefully determine the best time to obtain a loan.
Mortgage Information: How These Loans Really Benefit Borrowers
In addition
to the potential downsides, there are many benefits that lead consumers to
these loans. The biggest benefit is that these loans help struggling borrowers
stay in their homes and possibly increase their cash flow.
According to
the March 2008 Current Population Survey compiled by the Congressional Research
Service, more than 40% of beneficiaries depend on their Social Security
benefits for more than 90% of their income. Today, many older people are short
of cash but rich in equity. These loans allow seniors to convert this capital
into usable cash.
benefit is that the proceeds of these loans are tax exempt. Consumers can use
their earnings to pay for their house, pay medical bills, or simply enjoy the
extra income. Until borrowers leave the home or meet the terms of their loan,
it will not be necessary to repay the loan. From the information available on
reverse mortgages, this unique benefit is what inspires many seniors to choose
these loans over other options.
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