Refog Keylogger : Easy To Use, Easy to Get

Posted by Richard Buckley
Feb 9, 2016
Image Clearly, Internet is present in each part of our everyday life. We do surf upon web-sites and portals at leisure and work, and with constant technological progress such an opportunity has become overwhelming and breaking any boundaries, both spacious and functional. At the same time, many do wonder if there is any checking of what they do online, what pages they are browsing and, all in all, whether it is possible not to become a subject of these. The last question surely gets an affirmative response due to presence of numerous examples of spying software on the market.

Hunting or tracing?
One of them is Refog Keylogger that is a utility to detect user’s actions upon the keyboard and, thus, his navigation while working on PC. Literally, it allows tracing a person either online or offline. One may ask who does that, and the answer is quite obvious – parents checking on their kids, businessmen watching over their employees and maybe even jealous husbands. The thing is that the software is easy to use and compatible with any platform. One can download free keylogger for Windows or Mac and start making the most of it, at least during three days trial period.

Any software should be user-friendly
In very deed, developers of the program, available at, have considered keyloggers’ interface and made it incredibly handy to use. One of the benefits that cannot but capture a potential customer’s attention is its multilingual interface.

The main menu, placed at the top of the dialog window, maintains several tabs. They are an ultimate destination of the collected logs and data, which are then sorted out at left. The rest is occupied by the information itself and screenshots, taken by the software regularly. Access to keylogger’s interface is protected by password, so that only its launcher could spy on users of the computer.

How to make an excuse?
Installing of spy software for PC might seem indecent and strongly disputable way to check on people who trust you. Though, its implementation can be easily justified. In business, for instance, heads of the departments are to watch over their employees, whose work and time are paid with real money. By all means, a complex company structure requires coordination, estimation and monitoring staff workflow, whereas its success depends on contribution of each team member. And trust is not enough in doing business.

The other example is families, as simple as that. Many young parents get child locator or baby monitor to keep an eye on their precious kids. So, doesn’t keylogger function the same way? If installing it on family PC, you can always trace back your child’s actions and, what is more, interests. The last is a true benefit to take into account.

Nonetheless, everything has a reverse side of the medal, including achievements of modern technology. Whether to let Refog Keylogger into everyday life or not depends on your initial motives and the way you can explain them.

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