Reasons why Seasonal Car Servicing is Necessary Before the MOT

Posted by Knights Autos
May 27, 2024

With the changing seasons, we start to take care of ourselves according to climate change. In the same way, your car also needs to be taken care of with the changing climate to maintain its health. Seasonal checks are for this to detect potential issues that can occur due to the varying weather conditions. 

People give their car for servicing once a year, hoping it will last till the next year. However, the weather affects the vehicle parts as winter or summer approaches. It might result in issues that cannot be repaired but just avoided. It will cost you more money to replace the whole part than detecting and avoiding it beforehand with seasonal Car Servicing Wimborne. Additionally, if not repaired, these same issues would be inspected by the technicians during the MOT test and can be the reason for failing the MOT.   

Let’s discuss further the significance of the Winter and Summer Checks in maintaining the vehicle and passing the MOT Wimborne

Need of Summer and Winter Check 

During the summer season, car battery leaks and overheating become common problems, resulting in car breakdowns. The same observations have been found in the stats recorded, 4 out of 10 car breakdowns happened due to a flat battery, followed by a faulty engine (31%), and a flat tyre (29%). Therefore, conducting the Summer check becomes necessary for safe and ceaseless driving and fixing the potential issues beforehand. 

On the other hand, during winter, the tyres, batteries, and oils start acting out. It is riskier to drive in winter because of the snowy and slippery road conditions. Therefore, the tyres and brakes must be in good condition to avoid hydroplaning. The vehicle does not start smoothly due to the freezing motor and engine. You should get the car checked thoroughly to ensure safe and smooth driving. Therefore, one must get a car winter check to prevent these problems from happening. 

Car Summer Check 

In the summer season, car overheating becomes common due to high temperatures while standing in the parking. When the vehicle is taken out of the parking to reach somewhere, it causes problems in starting the engine and driving on the road. These issues are usual when the vehicle is parked for a long time in the summer heat without proper maintenance. Therefore, a summer check is essential, especially before a long driving and the MOT test. The price of the summer check starts from 20 pounds in local garages. However, It can vary according to the garage and condition of your car. 

The following parts are inspected during the car summer check: 

  1. Battery

The chemicals in the car battery start to evaporate due to high temperature and cause leaks or breakdown of lead plates. Additionally, the power consumption of electric components is higher, causing the battery to deflate faster.

  1. Air conditioner

We do not need to tell you the importance of AC in the summer. The cooling level of the AC might decline and not work at its optimal level.

  1. Oil level

The engine oil level can decline due to evaporation, causing problems in starting the vehicle.

  1. Tyres

Due to summer heat, the tyre tread gets softer, causing imbalance and wobbling motion while driving, leading to a decline in stability. Tyre pressure is deflated due to the same reason, increasing the risk of puncture and tear.

  1. Windscreen Wipers

Windscreen wipers may stammer due to the developed cracks after being inactive during the winter. The windscreen wipers should be running effectively against the usual but uninvited storms and rain during the summer months.

  1. Coolant

Coolant is responsible for maintaining the temperature and preventing overheating of the car from the outside heat. 

Car Winter check 

During the winter months, the temperature falls drastically, causing the freezing of the components of the vehicle. When a car is driven regularly during the winter, the possibility of these issues declines due to engine heat and friction between the parts. However, if it is left in the garage for a prolonged period of 1 or 2 months, it gives the chance for problems to grow. Therefore, inspection of the components becomes necessary due to the freezing weather. 

The following parts are inspected during the car Winter check: 

  1. Brake System

The road surface is wet and slippery due to snow. Therefore, an effective braking system is necessary during the winter. The brake pads and fluid are checked to identify the efficiency of the brakes for a safe ride.

  1. Tyres

Tyres get hard due to low temperatures and drag along the road surface. Your tyres are inspected for their capability to provide efficient and safe driving.

  1. Lights

The atmosphere is usually dark and foggy during the winter, leading to car lights working more hours. Therefore, all lights must be working without dimming for safe rides.

  1. Windscreen wipers

The chilled air and snow accumulate on the windscreen as a mist, hiding the clear view of the road. Therefore, wiper fluids must be topped up by the mechanic for the efficiency of the windscreen wipers.

  1. Battery

The battery acids get mixed and cause a chemical reaction, resulting in sulfation on the battery terminals. Also, battery power declines as the motor and the engine take more energy to start the vehicle.

  1. Engine oil

Engine oil needs to be replaced and topped up due to cold weather restricting the engine from working due to lack of lubrication. 

In conclusion, car servicing once a year is not enough to succeed in the MOT test, seasonal checks of the vehicle are also necessary to maintain its components and functionality. 

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