Reasons to Upgrade Your WordPress PHP Immediately

Posted by SKT Themes
Aug 20, 2020

PHP is an abbreviation of hypertext preprocessor. WordPress is building on PHP. By hosting company its version is set at server level. You might be aware of the benefits and importance of keeping WordPress, plugins, and simple WordPress themes updated. As WordPress, PHP is also very important to update regularly.

PHP is a coding language that is severally used to build a completely dynamic website. It helps in receiving data, encrypt data, sending and collecting cookies, etc. The code of WordPress has been writing in PHP language. PHP 7 is an open-source language that is globally used. Similar to the updating WordPress version will provide you access to new functionality and features in the same way if you upgrade your server to the new version of PHP you will be able to improve your website functionality, performance, and speed.

Some benefits of the latest PHP versions

Enhance Speed: This is the most important benefit that WordPress user experience. You will not only able to find that your WordPress website is getting loaded faster along with that you will be able to find some enhancement in backend speed.

New operators: Some yielding results and variables are taken by PHP operators. In the new version of PHP 7, some new operators were provided such as Null coalesce, Operator, Combined comparison operators, etc.

Error handling: because of a fatal error in the previous version it was stopping script to result and run in black-white screen whereas now in the latest version this error has been improved. Now PHP7 throw exceptions when it messes with a fatal error instead.

Type declarations: while coding in PHP you will be able to define your desired results with type declarations’. So that, you will never get surprised while running the code. This will help you to make your PHP coding more easily.

Other than this there are some more advantages that are important and developers and other expert users. Did you know that the PHP 7 did not require much server to run? In short, if you use the latest PHP 7 your site will need low energy for hosting, and this is crucial to minimize the carbon footprint.

Enhanced support and security

As updated plugins and themes help you to prevent your website from cyber-attacks in the same way updated PHP version will provide so many benefits. Some vulnerabilities are present in the old version o PHP. If you failed to update your PHP version you will be closer to more attackers because hackers know all about these types of issues.

What if you get to know that 5.6-7.0 PHP version is unable to provide support, you will get so much loss and problems. And this can be a higher risk for your website. Therefore we recommend you update your PHP to 7.3 because they will make sure to provide you a complete assistance and security patches.

Some most important reason to update PHP versions are

Developers are continuously trying to provide you the best version of PHP and the best platform to satisfy your needs. If you take one step forward by upgrading older PHP to the newer it would help developers to focus on developing high-quality products.

ü  Prepare your WordPress for more future updates and enhancements.

ü  Expansion on PHP 7 version.

ü  To ignore the compatibility issue with WordPress themes and plugins.

ü  Get more updates and new functionality with the latest PHP 7.



You will find that the old PHP version is not compatible with most of the simple WordPress themes and plugins. If you update PHP you will more access to new tools and features.

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