Posted by Judy Tay
Dec 17, 2021
Skin ageing problems get more prominent after you hit 60 years of age. However, if you are nowhere close to 60 but are already noticing fine lines and wrinkles, you might be ageing prematurely. You may also observe skin sagginess, age spots, dry skin, etc.
So, what are the reasons behind premature aging? Why should you be careful about it? If you are dying to know the answers to these questions, read the following section of the article. Additionally, you will learn about Victoria Facelift Power-Lift Treatment that eradicates wrinkles and fine lines quickly from your face.
Reasons behind Premature Skin Ageing
1. Free Radicals
More than 70% of premature ageing cases happen due to free radicals that are brought into our body through pollutants and other toxic elements. People eat foods that are grown using using chemical-based pesticides. Consuming junk food out of convenience is also becoming increasingly common due to our fast-paced lifestyles. Such foods can cause an increase of free radicals in our bodies.
Additionally, air pollution introduces free radicals to our skin. Skin pores get clogged due to the dirt, and wrinkles start appearing. In such cases, you need a treatment that offers deep cleansing. Undergoing Victoria Facelift's Power-Lift Treatment can quickly rejuvenate your skin texture. The V-Factor formula used alongside the treatment is imported from the UK and customized to suit Asian skin.
2. Sun Exposure
Around 40-50% premature ageing cases happen due to too much sun exposure. Staying under the sun for a long time is not good for your skin, as harmful UV rays of the sun can damage the top layers, resulting in premature ageing.
The occasional harsh sunlight can cause sunburns and sunspots. However, regular exposure to harsh sunlight can gradually damage the tissues of the upper skin layer, causing the dead tissues to dry up quickly. Wrinkles and sagginess happen due to rapid skin dryness.
3. Stress
Escalating stress at the workplace can severely impact a person. From blood pressure irregularity to premature skin ageing, you will notice different problems due to stress. Keeping your mind stress-free is a natural solution to such a problem. However, that is easier said than done.
Stress causes hormonal imbalance, which in turn results in wrinkles, etc. The easiest yet most effective solution is to undergo skin rejuvenation treatment to look younger and sharper again. Victoria Facelift's Power-Lift Treatment, a non-invasive skin treatment, is suitable for such purposes. Undergoing this treatment will help you to elevate premature ageing signs.
4. Other common cause
 - Smoking and drinking alcohol
 - Poor nutrition and lack of protein in your die
 - Indigestion and high toxicity in your body

If you want a powerful, effective, and affordable treatment for premature skin aging, you can try Victoria Facelift Power-Lift Treatment. Undergoing this treatment is safe, as it does not bring about any negative side effects. The treatment increases collagen and hyaluronic acid productions, which naturally leads to facial skin rejuvenation.
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