Rain Water Preservation: A Promising Alternative During The Period Of Covid-19
Indian environment became exceptionally degraded in the last few decades. The lockdown during this pandemic indeed worked positively upon the atmosphere. The pollution level has improved immensely as every outdoor activity was strictly prohibited. We should treat this situation as a trump card for harvesting rainwater and make more availability of freshwater. This is the best time to utilize as the environment is pollution-free due to this lockdown.
Rainwater harvesting and preserving is now a trending activity for collecting rainwater directly while it’s raining. Penguin Tank, the leading manufacturer company of water tanks in Kolkata will enlighten you with the methods and advantages of harvesting and preserving rainwater.
Why should you preserve rainwater?
We all know that water is fundamental in our daily life. But most of us have taken it for granted and think that the availability of water is unlimited. For such misconception, we are facing a lot of problems today. The scarcity of water is increasing day by day. Rainwater preservation acts as a boon to avoid such a situation.
• By the preservation of the rainwater the availability of freshwater increases.
• The preservation of rainwater improves the quality of the existing groundwater.
• It stores the excess surface water for future usage.
• Reduces power consumption.
• Prevents soil erosion and flood especially in rural areas.
• Moreover, it is an environmentally friendly process.
How would you harvest rainwater?
There are several methods to harvest and preserve rainwater. In this article, we will discuss two trending methods of harvesting rainwater.
• Rooftop rainwater harvesting- In this process, the rainwater is collected directly from the roof where it falls. Here the roof of the house becomes the catchment. After collecting the rainwater from the roof the water is stored in a water tank. Sometimes the water is directly delivered to the artificial recharge system also. This process of rainwater harvesting is less expensive and more effective. In this situation of lockdown due to the pandemic when our environment is less polluted you should apply this process to get more fresh and pure water.
• Surface runoff harvesting- As the name of this process suggests the surface runoff water is collected and used for restoring aquifers by adopting appropriate observance. The surface runoff method can be generated by rainfall, snowfall, and icehouse. Snow and glacier melt only in areas that are cold enough. But in the areas where there is no snow, the runoff comes from the rainfall only.
The surface runoff harvesting process is more expensive and time taking.
The Govt of India has also realized the worth and necessity of harvesting rainwater. Hence the Ministry of Environment and Forest, Govt of India has also issued a notification of Rain Water Harvesting with a draft proposal. Penguin Tank, the manufacturer of domestic water storage tanks also appreciates this action of harvesting and preserving rainwater during this lockdown.
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