Questions that you should ask a work injury lawyer

Posted by Stephen G.
Jun 18, 2020
Work injury is so common these days, thanks to the recklessness of the employers. So many injury cases are reported each day. You will not believe this but employers pay of millions of dollars each year as a compensation claim.

Let me tell you that you can file injury claim against your employer so as they cover your medical bills and of course the wage loss that you will have to face while you are away from your work due to the injury.

Sure after the injury, the worker has broken down both physically and mentally. Of course, they are not aware of the laws regarding the injury claim and are too injured to collect evidences and keep up with the hectic schedule of the court. So, you should hire a work injury lawyer that will not only provide you with the correct legal advice but will also be your pillar of strength when you are going through an emotional turmoil.

However, before you hire a work injury lawyer, here is a list of questions that you must ask your lawyer. These questions will lead you towards the best work injury lawyer.

Will you be able to handle my case?
Though this question may sound a bit rude, but trust me it is not! Most of professional lawyers know their limit. They can only devote that much time energy and expertise in the case. Most of the professional lawyers believe in the people and causes that they represent  and they will not sign up for a case that they know will not get the attention that it deserves,

The time availability issues can be suffered by the lawyer who is running a one-person firm. That is why, a large firm with more staff and experienced lawyer is ideal.

Have you ever represented case similar to mine before?
Experience and expertise is what counts when it is something connected with legal. You will not hire a plumber to fix your electricity circuit of your home. In the very same way, you will not hire a family law lawyer for to handle your work injury case.

So, it is very important that you hire a lawyer that has handled cases like yours before. You do not want to damage your case further by hiring an inexperienced lawyer.

What is your contingency fee?
Most of the lawyers work on a contingency fee agreement, it means that you will pay the fee only if the lawyer wins your claim and gain compensation. Let me tell you that high quality lawyers charge 40% of the compensation as their fee.

What will be my participation in case?
Of course, when your lawyer is representing you, you will also have to be present in the court at some point to give the details of the incident. Also you will need to consult your attorney and their staff on various aspects of the case. Some lawyers welcome high involvement of their clients whereas others like to do much of the work themselves.

So, make certain that what the lawyer expects from you before giving them a nod.
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