Protecting Elders From Coronavirus

Posted by Naveen A.
Aug 18, 2020

Coronavirus pandemic has taken the world by storm. This global pandemic is highly contagious in nature. This disease was first reported in Wuhan, China on New Year’s Eve of 2020. Due to the spreading nature of the virus, many countries implemented lockdown on their people. Since then, it has affected more than 17 million people across the globe. More than 600,000 people have lost their lives. As of now, there are no medications or vaccination available that can completely cure the patient infected with the COVID-19. However, some pharmaceutical companies have started a clinical trial of the vaccine, but there is no official confirmation by WHO. Staying at home, washing hands frequently, and wearing a face mask are our only options until a vaccine is made. In a notification issued by WHO (World Health Organization) in early May suggested that the young and elderly are most vulnerable to COVID-19. That’s why it is recommended to protect both young and elderly as they have more chances of getting infected with COVID-19. Today we are going to talk about why protecting elders from coronavirus is necessary and how buying health insurance plan will help you and elders around you:     

  • In case, you are diagnosed with COVID-19, you should maintain distance from your grandparents or parents. The immune system of older people is weak and that’s why they are more vulnerable to COVID-19. 

  • In normal times, hugging someone is a gesture to show love, but we are not living in normal times. A hug from an infected person can cause severe damage. You should neither hug nor do a shaking hand with your grandparents. 

  • Make your parents or grandparents wash their hands every 2 hours with soap for at least 20 seconds. You can also ask them to use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer to clean their hands. 

  • We live in India, where living with parents or grandparents is common. You should avoid going outside unnecessarily. Only go out if you are in essential services or you have to buy essential things. If you go out, make sure when you come back you take off all your clothes, and take a bath, if possible. 

  • Make sure all family members have their own daily use things like towels, soap, utensils, bedsheets, etc, especially elderly. 

  • Wash clothes of elder people in warm water with the detergent powder. Also, clean utensils of the elderly with warm water. 

  • Buy coronavirus health insurance online from reputable insurers such as Reliance General Insurance so that you can get financial coverage that will help you in the time of need. In the case of a medical emergency like COVID-19, you will get enormous help with insurance policy. 

  • You should sanitize the room of the elderly with disinfectant once every two days.

  • Staying inside can get boring for all of us, especially, elders who like going out for the evening walks. You can ask stories to reduce the boredom, you can also teach them how to use mobile phones. Some of the apps on the phone will surely help them reduce boredom. 

The tips mentioned above will surely protect the elderly in your family from coronavirus pandemic.

Stay Safe!

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