Problems Students Face in University

Posted by adeela hadait
Oct 5, 2020

Time spent at the university is one of the most colorful pages of one’s life. While it is full of fond memories and happy experiences overall, it might come with some rough patches. Every student has a unique situation, but a few problems are similar across almost all universities.

Sometimes, these issues become so overwhelming that students’ overall performance gets impacted. Here are a few of these problems:



University studies are relatively more challenging. Many students have to put an extra effort to catch on with the class lectures and assignments. Students are used to the high-school teaching methods, which are different from those in the university. Moreover, the universities tend to cram two-years of course in one year.

The students usually get used to the new teaching style and the workload over time.

Financial Issues

Apart from the tuition fee, university students face several expenses. These expenses include supplies, meals, books, and transportation. There is a plethora of reading materials for each subject, which can get expensive for the students.

The expense of books can be minimized by going to a library or using books online. Teachers also share the digital versions of the book with their students. As for transportation, several universities provide it to their students. Another option is to use public transport.

Adapting to New Life

University is like a new world for many students. The environment is free and provides independence to the students that they do not experience before. Moreover, people from different backgrounds and cultures come there. So, some students feel difficulty in adjusting to the new scenarios. The first semester at university is usually hard, but it gets smooth over time.

Selecting a Major

Students have to deal with a lot of pressure when it comes to choosing a major. There is a lot of confusion and apprehension, as the major sets out the future career path. Students have to keep in view the elder’s advice, parents’ expectations, and their own interests as well.

To deal with this problem, students should take an expert’s advice and consider their own interests while making a decision.

Time Management

One’s social activities tend to increase in university. There are a lot of clubs and they keep coming up with events every once in a while. The students get distracted and neglect their studies resultantly. While the independence to make a choice between a class and some social event seems good, but there should be a balance between both.

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