Premium Masonic regalia apron worn during various degrees

Posted by Collection Masonic
Dec 2, 2021

When a member joins Freemasonry, it doesn’t imply that he has reached to his height of being whereas a Freemason pledges to gain further knowledge and improvement in all aspects of life; be it moral, ethical, and spiritual. A Freemason starts his journey as an individual with great potential and is expected to reach a state of near perfection as he matures in the fraternity. In order to reach at the top of Freemasonry, a member has to attain various degrees. The first degree is the Entered Apprentice Degree which signifies a new beginning; a spiritual birth. The second is the Fellow Craft Degree which signifies adulthood and various responsibilities. The third and final one is Master Mason Degree which signifies that the Freemason has reached the highest level of maturity. The attainment of this degree also symbolizes that Master Mason is ready for a deeper relationship with the Creator of the Universe. After receiving Master Mason Degree, doesn’t mean that Mason has to stop his journey in the fraternity but he may take many ways from this point like he can join the Royal Arch.

Royal Arch is the completion of the third and the final degree where all the secrets of Freemasonry are revealed. The connection between the Freemason and the Spiritual being is the strongest in Royal Arch Masonry. The members of the Royal Arch are known as the Companions.

The original Royal Arch Chapter Apron was worn by the members of Craft Masonry. Later on, they came to be used by the Antients and Moderns also who adopted Royal Arch in 1766. The aprons used looked almost similar to the ones that are used these days. The Craft Masonry raised the objection on the use of these aprons by the Antients on wearing the similar aprons that had all the symbols in the Lodges. Although, the Grand Chapter stopped its utilization; till approval which hasn’t been given till date.

The aprons are still worn by the Companions in their Chapters and are made from the white lambskin. They are 14 to 16 inches in width and 12 to 14 inches in depth. This apron has an overlap of the triangle and is bordered in purple and intended crimson approximately 2 inches. Inside the triangle, the three taus are present inside the emblem combined with gold embroidery. 

You can buy premium quality Masonic Regalia apron from a reputed online retailer like The Masonic Collection. They provide all types of Masonic aprons such as Masonic Craft Aprons, Masonic Mark Degree Aprons, Masonic Royal Arch Aprons, Masonic Royal Arc Mariner Aprons, Rose Croix Aprons, Royal & Select Masters Aprons and many more.  

They try to offer an extensive range of products so that they have something for most Masonic degrees and orders. However, should you have a particular requirement that you can't find on the Masonic Collection website, please don't hesitate to contact them as they may have this in stock but not listed or alternatively they can arrange production of this for you.

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