Popular places where people Buy Ayurvedic Products Online

Posted by Mack Jackson
Sep 19, 2013

The internet despite being only a few years old is already the biggest marketplace in the world. Everyday millions of dollars are spent on a broad range of products online.

Health supplements consist of a large chunk of this amount.

From supplements aimed at reducing the effects of ageing to ones aimed at preventive maintenance, there are herbal products in all categories.

However, in the last few years, the number of Ayurvedic products online has multiplied manifold. Maybe it is because of the large number of Indian expats around the world or it is due to the growing trend of opting for natural products.

Ayurveda is now being accepted as a reliable and safer form of treatment as compared to synthetics. The fact that most of the ayurvedic products are formulated from completely natural and botanical ingredients is an added benefit.

But demand has to be met with supply and in this case, there is a surplus of supply. Hundreds of companies are peddling Ayurvedic products online trying to cater to the rising demand.

And as a customer, it cannot be worse because a lot of these Ayurvedic products are not authentic, not regulated, not standardized and there are cases of low quality, pesticide residue and contaminants in herbal supplements.

So, what is the best way to buy Ayurvedic products online?

Where can these products be purchased from would be a better question?

EBay: EBay is undoubtedly one of the biggest online shopping portals that has revolutionized the way we shop. But is EBay really an ideal place to buy herbal supplements or Ayurvedic products online? You are sure to find tons of supplements at extremely cheap rates. But unfortunately, you can find nothing about the product quality except the customer review which can be fabricated easily. Anyone can set up an EBay store and start selling. So, irrespective of how good it sounds, EBay should not be on your list of places to buy Ayurvedic products online.

Amazon: Amazon along with EBay is one of the most popular and commonly used online marketplaces. And there are tons and tons of health supplements being sold on Amazon every day. But Ayurvedic products differ from normal health supplements. They are manufactured after sourcing the formulae from ancient Ayurvedic texts. Unless and until the product is being sold on Amazon by the manufacturer himself, it is not recommended to use Amazon to buy Ayurvedic Products Online.

Buy from the manufacturer: The best option is to buy from the manufacturer for several reasons. Apart from getting to know more about the sourcing and manufacturing methods, you can be assured that you are buying authentic products. One can also speak to them about the many ingredients in a particular product. Most Ayurvedic product manufacturers also have a panel of Ayurveda experts who can guide and inform newbies about a particular health condition and which product suits them the best.

Ayurveda is a unique healthcare system that relies on customized therapies. So, buying Ayurvedic products online from the manufacturer gives you the added benefit of speaking to an actual expert on the subject.

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