Poor results? Broaden your horizon!

Posted by Paula van Dun
Oct 13, 2013
Image Of course you can try fine tuning your current ads first, that is always a good thing to do but...

You might also consider to try find another Audience to promote your service or product to.

I found that many services are crowded by the same people: traffic exchanges, mailers and of course networks like this one.

Reaching new people on very large sites like mailers, TEs and networks with a large membership is not that hard. Its a different story on sites with a smaller membership especially when other members are promoting the same sites as you are.

As it happens I found a new traffic service I am trying out now. Its not a TE but I need to earn some points to have my own sites seen. And it's actually fun to do because I see very different sites than I see in exchanges and mailers. So the people who must view my ads are from a different crowd.

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