Places to see in Zanskar Valley

Posted by Tiyab Reshi
May 26, 2023

The Zanskar Region, which is home to some of Ladakh's most breathtaking tourist spots, will appeal to all lovers of nature. Zanskar valley is the ideal site for photographers who seek to capture the charm of its people and landscape because it is removed from commercialization. A few old monasteries, breathtaking scenery, and exhilarating adventure activities like motorcycling, white water rafting, and trekking can be found in Zanskar. In this blog we will discuss about the Zanskar valley tour packages and places to visit in Zanskar valley. 

Zanskar is well recognized for its spectacular yet perilous treks, which appeal to thrill seekers. Among the best treks are the Padum-Darcha Trek, Padum-Pidmo Trek, Lugnak Trail Trek, and Zanskar-Sham Valley Trek. River rafting is yet another exciting excursion that you shouldn't miss in Zanskar. The Zanskar River, known for its Grade IV and V rapids, offers the best rafting experience in Ladakh. Another heart-pounding activity to indulge in in the Zanskar region is motorcycling. Here is a list of things listed by Cliffhangers India:

Chadar Trek

There is just one other challenging journey comparable to the Chadar journey in India. The multi-day Chadar walk across the frozen Zanskar River in Ladakh takes place in late January, late February, or occasionally in March depending on the weather. Walking on the thick glass of an icy river with massive mountains on either side is a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

The Chadar Trek is elevated to a height of 11,150 feet, giving the impression that one is travelling to the North Pole. A thick layer of ice is formed by the Zanskar River, which the locals call "chadar" or a white blanket. All food and drink must be brought in on sledges because the temperature lowers to 30 degrees at night, and caves must be searched out.

Shafat Glacier

A 14-kilometre-long glacier in Suru Valley, which also serves as a base for climbing these two peaks, forms the Nun and Kun summits.The water from this glacier joins a stream known as "Shafat Nala," aiding the Suru River's flow. Global warming is causing an ice-falling, broken glacier to melt at an alarming rate.

Parkachik Glacier

The Parkachik Glacier, a short distance from Parkachik, is one of the best sites to visit in Zanskar to witness a stunning mass of ice slipping slowly down the slopes of Nun and Kun hills. The Suru River is crossed by a suspension footbridge that leads to the glacier.

Huge ice slabs that occasionally fall into the Suru River and break away from Nun Kun's 300-foot front wall allow for breathtaking views of the big ice-fall. You can hike up to the glacier by passing the suspension bridge across the river and continuing on the trodden trail. You can hire a local to show you the way if you don't know where you are heading because there are no signs or anything.

Parkachik La

The only way to get to this pass is by taking a quick trip from Panikhar, which is regarded as one of the best places for explorers to explore in Zanskar. In the late afternoon, you'll hike to the pass and back if you choose to spend the night in Panikhar.

You can also set off from Panikhar, travel across the pass, and then descend the other side to Parkachik. This pass offers breathtaking views of the Nun-Kun mountain. Other peaks in the main Himalayan range can also be seen between Kashmir and Ladakh.

Pensi La

This mountain pass is known as the Zanskar Gateway. In comparison to other Ladakh crossings, Penzi La is quite easy to traverse; until you reach the peak, you won't even be aware that you're climbing it.

The ascent from Rangdum is simpler than the ascent from Penzi La to Zanskar Valley, although being more difficult. Penzi La, which is 14,436 feet above sea level, connects the Suru Valley and Zanskar Valley regions. The Drang Drung glacier may be seen from the summit of Penzi La Pass. Apart from the Zanskar valley you can also book your Ladakh tour packages from Cliffhangers India.

If you want to know more about such places in Kashmir you can reach out to us at our official Cliffhangers Website, and post your queries.






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