PBX Type Business Phone Systems and Their Common Features

Posted by Andrew Lope
Nov 3, 2020
Out of several components mandatory for running a business successfully, business phone system is undoubtedly the most crucial one. This is the main reason behind modern-day businesses taking things so seriously and not minding investing heavily on there. Several kinds of business phone systems have been in use in modern day office and one that has been extremely potent and impressive is the PBX system. Here in this post, let us understand what this PBX system is and what are the modern types of PBX systems.

What is PBX?

The term PBX stands for Public Branch Exchange that is a modern day communication technology that receives calls and transfer them without human intervention. This system has advanced a lot in the past two decades and so much that it has emerged as a real competitor to the most versatile and loved VoIP office phone systems. This advancement is visible in the form of numerous features such as –

•  Ability To Reach Specific Extensions
•  Intercom
•  Initiate Conference Calls
•  Assign Customers To Wait For Assistance

Other than this, numerous other features are there too and one very unique feature is that the service provider can actually customise these features based on your business’s requirements. Different kinds of PBX systems are found these days being used by businesses as business phone systems and we have discussed them below in this article.

Traditional PBX phone system  

•  According to the experts, this is a traditional PBX phone system technology that runs on the basis of a landline, with the help of a physical PBX hardware box. 
•  In this system, the phone lines are connected to the box and with this, the calls can be distributed to different desks in the office and for this, just a voice menu is sufficient.
•  The downside of this version is that the installation cost can be on the higher side because there is an additional expenditure of hardware followed by the expenditure of installing traditional phone lines.
•  However, this still remains the favourite business phone system for businesses that have older wiring, unsecured phone lines or unreliable Internet connection. 

On-site IP PBX phone system 

This is a fairly advanced system as compared to the one described above, despite the fact that both have so many things in common. The main difference between both of them is that this system uses digital signals to send calls as compared to the former one that uses analogue signals. The benefit associated with this system is that set-up is really easy and the drawback is that setting this system at an office can be as costly as the one discussed above.

Cloud-based PBX phone system

The most modern and advanced is the cloud based PBX phone system that is better than other two in so many ways. In this type, you will find all features that were present in the two types discussed above, plus many more to help your business communication run efficiently. This type of PBX system uses VoIP like signals and because of this, there remains no need of getting any kind of hardware installed. Instead, the phone system is hosted in the cloud, which allows you to manage better-advanced PBX features. 

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