Paying Attention to Adolescent Symptoms of Drug Abuse and Dependence
Outpatient drug treatment Florida reports that marijuana dependence is usually a daily usage of the drug. Common symptoms and signs that are often reported by outpatient drug treatment Florida, and associated with Marijuana dependence are as follows:
1. Increased visual and auditory perception
2. Memory loss or forgetfulness
3. An increase in heart rate and blood pressure
4. Frequent blood shot eyes
5. Coordination is negatively impacted
6. Lack of ability to concentrate
7. Appetite is increased
8. Slower reaction sensations
9. An increase in paranoia
Barbiturates and benzodiazepines are prescription central nervous system depressants
Signs of benzo dependence and abuse are as follows
1. Increased tiredness and Drowsiness
2. Unintelligible and repeated slurred speech
3. Reduced coordination
4. Loss of memory
5. Disorientation and confusion
6. Slowed breathing and decreased blood pressure
7. Dizziness
8. Depression
Methamphetamine, cocaine and other stimulants including uppers, meth and cocaine are a common problem reported by outpatient drug and alcohol rehab Florida.
Signs of abuse and dependence include the following
1. Euphoric feelings expressed
2. Reduction in appetite
3. Increased speed of speech
4. Sudden Irritability
5. Sudden Restlessness
6. Irritability and Depression as the drugs effects wear off
7. Nasal congestion and damage to the mucous membrane of the nose in users who snort drugs
8. Inability to sleep
9. Sudden Weight loss
10. Increased heart rate, blood pressure and temperature
11. Paranoia
Club drugs
Club drugs are drugs commonly used by teens and younger peoples at clubs,
concerts and different parties. Examples include Ecstasy (MDMA), GHB, Rohypnol
("roofies") and ketamine. Members of Outpatient drug treatment
Florida state that “these drugs are becoming more prevalent and we are seeing
many more deaths as a direct result of these synthetic drugs.”
Common signs of club drug abuse and dependence include
1. Reduced inhibitions
2. Amphetamine-like effects (with ketamine and Ecstasy)
3. Decreased coordination
4. Poor judgment
5. Memory problems or loss of memory
6. Increased or decreased heart rate and blood pressure
7. Drowsiness and loss of consciousness (with GHB and Rohypnol)
Hallucinogens Use of hallucinogens produces different signs and symptoms depending on the drug. The most common hallucinogens seen in outpatient drug treatment Florida are LSD and phencyclidine (PCP).
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