Organization of social services
General characteristics
The starting point for organizing Social Services is the Public system, which is the one in which the Administration assumes the responsibility of organizing and financing social services.
We start from the Law of Bases of Local Regime in which the competence to provide Social Services is established on a compulsory basis for municipalities with more than 20,000 inhabitants. This Law also establishes the necessary coordination of powers of the Local Entities among themselves and with the rest of the Public Administrations.
At the local level the following characteristics are given:
Citizens' sense of belonging.
Territorial specificity that identifies and delimits and feedback capacity in the provision process.
That is why the municipalities are in better conditions to:
- Detect needs with greater specificity.
- Maintain close relationships with social initiative entities.
Use and maximum use of human resources and social facilities.
To develop the participatory potential of citizens in solving their problems and in solidarity collaboration with others.
Municipal Social Services are governed by three general principles:
Another important element is the Concerted Plan between the three administrations that comes to guarantee, through the Administrative agreement, the economic and technical collaboration specified in four components:
Economic or Financing
Technical assistance.
The specific element in the Social Services organization is the Social Services Center. It is a structure in which human, financial-economic, technical and physical-material resources are integrated.
The structure of a social services center.
In the configuration of the structure of a Social Services Center there are three specific elements:
Social Work Units
Service and benefit management programs and management.
Administration and Technical Advice.
The Social Work Units are in charge of attending to all the demands and channeling the coordination and referral specifications that may be necessary to carry out.
The Programs are responsible for guaranteeing specific benefits, reflected in the Concerted Plan:
Information and Orientation.
Home help.
Accommodation and Welcome.
Social insertion.
The Director is in charge of guaranteeing the harmonious process in the fulfillment of the inherent obligations of the center. The Technical Unit: provides support of a psychological and legal nature especially. And the Administrative Unit bears the burden of the administrative, financial, and resource process.
3) Culture in a social services center.
The dominant values in the culture of a social service center are:
Effectiveness and efficiency.
The effective responsibility before the citizens who are the recipients of public services.
Flexibility of the structure in order to better adapt to the requirements of the tasks to be performed.
Openness to experiences and innovations.
Planning and coordination.
Universality: they must be addressed to the entire population.
Give special attention to human resources as the most important element that social centers have.
The Interdisciplinarity in the Centers coincide a variety of professionals with very different university training. And the Prevention of Social Services must be directed to the causes that cause the problems.
4) The services provided and the users.
The services are provided from a Public Administration. Most of the services provided are not tangible. The image that we project of a Center is based on the satisfied or unmet needs of the users and these must be the result of several well-combined factors such as:
Give priority to the interests of users.
Maintain regular contacts and attention with users.
Offer complete information on services.
Being perceived as a trustworthy person. etc.
5) The objectives of a social services center.
The general objectives of a Social Services Center should be framed within the following group of activities:
Promote the activities of the center.
Enhance quality.
Promote the institutional image of the center.
Increase motivation.
Improve management.
In the area of Social Service Centers, all interventions must focus within the general objectives of: prevention, modification and containment.
Prevention: avoid the appearance of a problem.
Modification: intended to produce a change in the situation on which it operates.
Containment: the action aimed at avoiding the deterioration of a situation.
6) Efficiency in the organization.
The effectiveness of the organization depends on its ability to achieve these aspects:
Achieve your goals.
Maintain internally.
Adapt to your environment.
The search for efficiency implies a distribution of scarce resources that allows maximizing:
The results obtained.
The well-being of the individual.
Social welfare.
The cost savings to produce more services for users and, in short, the ends to be achieved, given the means used.
7) Human and economic resources.
Human Resources:
Of all the resources available to a Social Services Center, the only one that can grow and develop unlimitedly is the person.
A person's behavior is the result of a complex picture of cause-effect relationships. In the history of the implementation of Social Services, the element that has suffered the most has been the human element.
Economic Resources.
In the area of economic resources, it is necessary to improve the Center's annual programming and budget to act selectively on the modules and programs that are considered most suitable.
There is a close relationship between the organizational capacity of a Center and the administrative disposition from where they order it.
8) Modular organization.
The Ministry for Public Administrations advocates a modular organization of the administration with the following characteristics:
Basically self-sufficient structures.
Structures with the capacity to carry out decentralized management.
Facilitate the delegation of functions and responsibilities.
Coordinate effectively.
Separate political decision from technical management.
Promote and facilitate the adjustment between the organization's structure and the budget structure.
9) Participation.
In social action and execution, participation is required to be considered at the time of decision-making. Participation moves in different areas such as:
Participation in work and effort.
Participation in the information of everything that is done and affects the quality of your collaboration and contribution.
Participation in the responsibilities derived from private and collective action.
Participation in the results of the center.
Participation should not and cannot be understood in a single sense, that is, in that of the users of benefits, it is necessary a true participation of employees in the process of managing services.
10) Decentralization.
It is defined as the transfer or transfer of certain components of authority between administrative entities of the same organization or between different organizations.
Social service centers respond to problems of very specific people and groups.
There is a premise in the organization of social services and social action programs in general, is to shorten the distances between the decision level and the operational level of action.