Optical Fiber Cable- data transmission now at its best

Posted by Ashish P.
Feb 17, 2016
The polycab optical fiber cables have revolutionized the data transmission of many of our household devices, including telephones. Here are few advantages of using OFCs instead of copper cables.

An optical fiber cable is a small technical invention that has revolutionized the whole system of data transmission. Replacing the age-old copper wires, these are much smaller wire-like things which speed up the whole process of data transmission in your telephones and cable systems.

Some of the basic advantages of using an OFC cable instead of copper wires include:

1. Reduced loss of power: the loss of power in optical fiber cables is much lower than the copper wires. This allows easier long distance transmission of data through these cables. OFCs can transmit data to about 2000m distance as compared to the recommended 100m distance of average copper wires. Even though such long distance transmission requires repeating at certain intervals, it is still much better than the copper wires.

2. Occupies less space: while the copper wires are heavy and take up substantial space in order to work properly, the OFCs can work better while occupying a much smaller space. This is because the OFCs are lighter and much thinner than a normal copper cable. They also have nearly 4.5 times the capacity of a wire cable.

3. Safety and security: OFCs ensure the highest level of safety and security for its users. Being a dielectric fiber, the chances of a spark hazard are almost nil in the optical fiber. Moreover, unlike copper wires, these do not radiate electromagnetic energy. Hence, the emissions of these wires cant be easily intercepted, making it really tough to tap the phones using this technology.

4. High bandwidth: bandwidth roughly refers to the amount of information that can be transmitted per unit time. While copper wires provide a much lower bandwidth due to the problem of excessive loss of power and limited coverage, the OFC cables are known for their exceptionally high bandwidth.

There are certain disadvantages to the use of OFC over copper wires as well. The primary one among these is that such cables cost more than an average copper cable. But this is easily compensated if you buy a Polycab OFC, which not only ensures the cheapest price but also guarantees the durability of its product. Hence, essentially an OFC or high voltage cable when bought from Polycab costs lesser by lasting much longer than the ordinary copper cable.

Ashish Poly switched from copper cables to OFCs a long time ago, and has been a loyal consumer of Polycab Optical Fibre cables ever since. 
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