Online Banquet Booking System using PHP and MySQL
Online Banquet Booking System intorduction
Online Banquet Booking System using PHP and MySQL is a Web-Based application.
The objective of this application is to develop a system that effectively manages all the data related to the various banquet booking events that take place at the venue. The purpose is to maintain a centralized database of all banquet event-related information. The goal is to support various functions and processes necessary to manage the data efficiently.
Project Requirements
Project Name | Online Banquet Booking System |
Language Used | PHP5.6, PHP7.x |
Database | MySQL 5.x |
User Interface Design | HTML, AJAX,JQUERY,JAVASCRIPT |
Web Browser | Mozilla, Google Chrome, IE8, OPERA |
Software | XAMPP / Wamp / Mamp/ Lamp (anyone) |
Online Banquet Booking System Modules
In OBBS project we use PHP and MySQL database. It has two modules.
1. Admin Module
2. User Module
Admin Module
- Dashboard: In this section, admin can see all detail in brief like the total services, Total unread queries, Total read queries, Total new booking, Total Approved booking, Total Cancelled Booking and Total Event Type
- Services: In this section, admin can manage services (add/delete).
- Type of Event: In this section, admin can manage event type (add/delete).
- Pages: In this section, the admin can manage about us and contact us pages.
- Booking: In this section, admin can view new, approved, cancelled bookings and also give a remark.
- Contact us Queries: In this section, admin can view and maintain the Queries.
- Reports: In this section, admin can view booking in a particular period.
- Search: In this section, admin can search booking details and user queries with the help of name, mobile number and booking id
Admin can also update his profile, change password and recover password.
User (Unregistered Users)
user can view the website and check out the information about “Online Banquet Booking System” and they can also sent message to administration.
Registered Users
Only registered users can book the banquet and view status of his/her booking.
Registered users can also update his profile, change password and recover password.
How to run the Online Banquet Booking System Project using PHP and MySQL
1. Download the project zip file
2. Extract the file and copy obbs
3.Paste inside root directory(for xampp xampp/htdocs, for wamp wamp/www, for lamp var/www/Html)
4.Open PHPMyAdmin (http://localhost/phpmyadmin)
5. Create a database with the name obbs
6. Import obbs.sql
file(given inside the zip package in SQL file folder)
7. Run the script http://localhost/obbs
Admin Credential
Username: admin
Password: Test@123
Credential for User panel :
Password: Test@123
Or Register a new user.
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