Nine Years Passed since The Burning Crusade, Are You Prepared for WoW Legion

Posted by Liu Dan
Jan 22, 2016

On January, 16th, 2007, the first expansion in world of warcraft, burning crusade was living. Now 9 year later, the sixth expansion, world of warcraft: legion will be launched in this year. Have you prepared for it? Enjoy world of warcraft with your friends. Additionally, cheapest wow gold for sale on wowtoes, you can contact with us if you need.


Great Nine Years Memory in World of Warcraft


Since the burning crusade released, more and more players join in wow. Now almost ten million members in world of warcraft. And there has been 5 expansions in world of warcraft: The Burning Crusade, Wrath of the Lich King, Cataclysm, Mists of Pandaria and Warlords of Draenor. Additionally, the new expansion, world of warcraft: legion is coming in this year too. Will you expect for it? We are sure wow accompanied with many players for a long time. Now in the Burning Crusade 9th anniversary, is it recall your memory in world of warcraft?


Recall You Memory with Illidan’s Return in Legion


As we known, the Betrayer Illidan Stormrage first time occurred in THB, which is also only one time in world of warcraft. Now along with the coming of wow legion, Illidan will be available again, alongside it is another returning here - Gul'dan. What will exactly happen in 7.0? You can have a expect! Now there is several months until the legion launched. You will be able to have a longtime to prepare for it. Buy wow gold, wow mounts or other wow items to gear up your weapons.


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