Natural Treatment for Genital Herpes
Genital herpes is a serious health problem that needs attention!!
Genital herpes is a type of sexually transmitted disease that identifies sores and genital pains. The treatment is beneficial hence you will feel the pain. The long-lasting disease will never freeze if proper treatment is not made. It gets spread due to unprotected sex. The outbreak will not give any serious issue, but the pain will annoy you the most. This time condition becomes worst and frustrated. So curing disease is the best step in life. The Natural Treatment for Genital Herpes is mentioned here.
The natural treatment
Herpes is a type of virus that needs proper attention at home. To reduce irritation, inflammation and pain consume natural treatment at home. The best treatment at home which you need to do are.
Warm compress
According to studies, the rate of sore forming requires heat. Heat will drastically reduce the pain. A warm compress bag will make your work easy. You can use a hot bag filled with rice and provide heat within a minute.
Cool compress
Cool compress reduces the process of swelling. An ice pack will make your work easy and comfortable. Apply ice using a soft cloth. Repeat this process at least three times. A cautionary note avoids using ice directly on your skin.
Baking soda
You might be wondering how baking soda keeps you away from the herpes problem? Apply baking soda paste with wet cotton. Apply this paste where itching is high. Doing this will provide relief from itching and pain.
Cornstarch paste
The paste will give you relief from itching. Similarly, apply the paste as done for baking soda paste. You will get relief from it in every single way.
The strain of herpes will remove all the antiviral properties. A fresh clove of garlic will give you relief in every single way. The use of topical garlic is best suited for cleaning herpes problems.
Ayurvedic treatment of herpes
The Genital Warts Ayurvedic Treatment Provide you with various products. The names of medicines which are plant-based and no chemical used. Manjishtha, Pitt papda, chiretta, Ghrit Kumari, etc.
Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is an anti-inflammatory product. It has antiviral properties. You can mix this with warm water and apply the affected area.
Changes in diet
Along with homemade remedies you need changes in your diet plan. Try to eat a balanced diet that can eliminate this virus from your life. Now the question arises what is the diet which you need to have.
Omega-three fatty acids
Food like flaxseed, chia seed, salmon will make your work easy. Consume them as much as you can and boost up your immune system.
A healthy protein diet will cure the herpes virus. Excess use of almonds, oats, eggs will provide a better immune system.
Vitamin C
To break this chain a virus consumes veggies and fruits as much as you can. The seasonal food contains vitamin C which will help you to cure the disease.
Bottom line
Now it’s your call how you maintain your health and cure the virus with proper treatment at home. Attention will give you relief for a lifetime.
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