"Naam Hai Boss is an Bollywood action masala film. The movie is a remake of a Malayalam superhit Pokkiri Raja. Ashwin Varde who has launched his own production company 'Ashwin Varde Productions Private Limited' is making its debut with this film. Movie will be released on Eid of 2013.""Naam Hai Boss is an Bollywood action masala film. The movie is a remake of a Malayalam superhit Pokkiri Raja. Ashwin Varde who has launched his own production company 'Ashwin Varde Productions Private Limited' is making its debut with this film. Movie will be released on Eid of 2013.""Naam Hai Boss is an Bollywood action masala film. The movie is a remake of a Malayalam superhit Pokkiri Raja. Ashwin Varde who has launched his own production company 'Ashwin Varde Productions Private Limited' is making its debut with this film. Movie will be released on Eid of 2013.""Naam Hai Boss is an Bollywood action masala film. The movie is a remake of a Malayalam superhit Pokkiri Raja. Ashwin Varde who has launched his own production company 'Ashwin Varde Productions Private Limited' is making its debut with this film. Movie will be released on Eid of 2013."