Monitor Your Kid’s Smart Phone

Posted by Kevin Tofel
Jan 16, 2013
There is no way around this fact: you’ll have to monitor your kid’s smart phone usage very carefully. You might have given your child a smart phone because everyone has one of these right now, but it’s not a good idea to let your child use it without any supervision whatsoever.

The question you have to ask yourself is what can happen if you don’t monitor your kid’s smart phone? Kids can get up to a whole lot of problems with their phones:

  • Sexting (sending sexual photographs of themselves to others)
  • Wasting a lot of time surfing the net and playing video games, and especially with social networking.
  • Visiting websites that have sexual or violent content.
  • Bullying others, or getting bullied instead.

If you monitor your kid’s smart phone then you will be able to get timely information on exactly what is going wrong in your child’s life. However, you need to know exactly how to go about your task of checking on your child. You are unlikely to get a great deal of information simply by picking up the phone occasionally and going through its activity logs. If your child wants to keep certain activities hidden then you will not find out about them merely by looking at the phone.

The best way to go about cell phone monitoring is by using software that has been designed especially for this purpose. Once you start doing research you will realize that there are many different types of software available to choose from. However, many of them share a few features in common. These features include:

Ability to monitor the phone from a remote location thanks to the internet: You’ll be able to inspect the activities such as calls, web sites visited and text and picture messages sent and received; you will be able to check this data from your web enabled computer or phone.

A considerable level of discretion: The best parental control software programs will be so well hidden that your child might not even know that you have installed it. This helps reduce the chances of bitter fights.

Reliability: Good software is designed to work without any problems. If there are any glitches in the software then you might inadvertently miss out on important information.

From a good source: If you take software from a good source then there is less chance of viruses accompanying it.

Regular updates: The best software programs will always have regular updates thanks to which they can stay relevant for a very long time.

You might feel bad about wanting to monitor kid’s smart phone because this is actually invasion of privacy. Even so, it can help your child stay out of all sorts of problems and should therefore be used on that account. One way that you can reduce your discomfort is by talking to your child about the need for this monitoring software. You can also get your child involved in the process of setting the limits for the software.
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