Mobile Marketing- Text Message Campaigns

Posted by Carla Bruni
Jul 9, 2012
The industry is not yet saturated with the number of people going for mobile marketing. The mobile traffic is yet to reach its highest level and this is an opportunity for all the business enterprises to utilize this opportunity and earn profits. It is easy to launch a successful text message campaign if one follows the discussions given below.
Bulk SMS
Run, walk and crawl are the three form of text message marketing campaigns that the businesses in today’s dynamic era are adopting.

Crawl basically intends that the business enterprise should come up with innovative strategy for sending promotions and offers in the form of text to its customers. The choice of this strategy course depends on many factors such as the type of industry, the targeted sect of the people and the brand name that the business is seeking to establish. For ensuring the success of the crawl plan, it is utmost necessary that the business gets a short-code for itself. This 5 digit short code will represent the official contact number for the business. Moreover the short codes are easy to remember and are simple for the customers.
Text Message Marketing
Short codes are not at all expensive and are quite easy to obtain. The commercial short codes have become quite cheap in the recent years and also the formalities have reduced comparatively. Thus businesses of all forms and sizes can jump into the arena of mobile marketing. It is not an issue whether the enterprise is a small, medium or large one; there is a mobile marketing package for everyone available with the mobile phone marketing service agencies. Thus it is possible for any segment of the industry to get lodged with the power of text message campaigns and thereby increase the sales turnover and profits.

Walking here represents that the people should be constantly reminded about the company’s short code wherever they go. It is in this plan that all the other marketing strategies of the company get integrated with its text message campaign. All the printed ads, television ads, radio etc. can be used to propagate the company’s short codes. Creative bill- boards and hoardings can be set-up at public places displaying the short code. These will raise their curiosity and will make them end-up subscribing to the service.

‘The last is running which focuses on constantly communicating with the registered subscribers by sending them the latest updates, offers and promotions.

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