Mistakes to Avoid While Selecting Auto Insurance in Dubai

Posted by afia insurance
Aug 21, 2019

UAE has shown a steep rise in vehicle ownership during the last few years. However, more numbers of vehicles driving on the road leading to more accidents and in turn, dense traffic over the road. Repair works done to your vehicle and/or to the vehicle of other’s party and medical treatments of injured people because of the accident may empty your pocket if you fail to make the investment in auto insurance.

Besides this, RTA law prevailing in different areas of the United Arab Emirates mandates every car owner to avail insurance for their vehicles irrespective of whether they are of the latest models or old ones. However, with the availability of many small and big insurance companies in the entire market, choosing an effective plan for your vehicle is a daunting task. Hence, with the help of this blog post, we have highlighted a few of the common mistakes to avoid while purchasing auto insurance in Dubai.

Mistake 1-Trusting Marketing Campaigns Blindly

You should strictly avoid falling for extensive advertisement or marketing campaigns operated by insurance companies. Instead, you should stay alert and in turn, learn plus understand the kinds and types of auto insurance in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and the United Arab Emirates properly. Especially, you should never miss reading the necessary legal requirements and other details related to any auto insurance.

Mistake 2-Hiding Your Information about Your Car/Vehicle

You should always keep in mind that the terms and conditions related to claiming your auto insurance is often rigid and has relatively less room for any loophole. Hence, to stay safe, you should never commit a common mistake of concealing the details of your vehicle while you go to file your car insurance form. Especially, you should never commit the mistake of hiding the history of your vehicle, as it results in rejection of your insurance claim at the time when you need it the most.

Mistake 3-Selection of an Insurance Policy based on its Premium Amount

Before you should step ahead to choose an auto insurance policy, you should strictly avoid selecting the policy based on its premium amount. Reason for this is that higher premium never results in improved quality or guarantees you the best service. In the same way, low premium never indicates that you will save a huge amount of money. Rather availing the best possible service and saving money depend on the right selection for your car and your present financial situation. Hence, you should look for an insurance company that intends to set up a strong client relationship and deliver the best possible services to its customers.
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