Minimize your Exposure to RadiationTaking Important Electromagnetic Radiation Protection Steps
Radiation is a part of our life. Background radiationis around us all the time. So, it is wise to be prepared and know what to do to protect yourself from its harmful impacts.Let’s know how!
Even though we cannot see them, we are always surrounded by electromagnetic radiation (EMR). Our microwaves, computers, cell phones, cell phone towers, power lines, televisions, fitness tracking devices, routers, smart meters, radios, and X-ray machines – all emit them to different degrees.Because most of us have considerable exposure to EMR throughout the day, it is crucial to determine if we are safe. Some studies show a connection between certain types of cancer and EMR exposure. Other studies show health threats including cellular DNA damage, neuropsychiatric effects, and endocrine changes.The good news is that there are relatively easy ways to reduce your exposure to EMR to get electromagnetic radiation protection. These approaches involve reducing both the exposure level and duration.
Disable Wireless Functions
Wireless devices – including printers, routers, laptops, and tablets — all emit a Wi-Fi signal. Whenever possible, disable the Wi-Fi function on your devices. When using a computer, try using an Ethernet cable for internet access instead of Wi-Fi and put the computer in airplane mode. To reduce your exposure to EMR, turn on the Wi-Fi function only when necessary.
Keep EMR Sources at a Distance
If you have a Wi-Fi router in your home, locate it in such a place that is some distance away from where you or your family members spend the most time. Avoid storing a cell phone in your pocket all the time because these devices give out radiation even when you are not using them as a phone. And if you use a microwave, do not stand in front of it when it is operating. Greater distance between you and such sourceswill considerably reduce exposure levels.
Replace Wireless with Wired Devices
Some devices such as your wireless headset, mouse, and keyboard — function only when they are transmitting a wireless signal. Consider replacing these devices with a wired version.
Use Your Smartphone Safely
Whenever possible, put your cell phone in airplane mode. Keep the device as far away from your body, especially when you are speaking on it. Avoid speaking on the phone in the car where your phone has to work extra hard to keep a decent signal, thus increasing EMR exposure. Use the “speaker” feature to avoid putting the phone up to your head.You should also consider using sticker for phone radiation to minimize the impact.
Besides, these precautions, you can take professional to get solutions on topics like electromagnetic field/radiation issues, human wellness, and ecological balance in our daily life.