Mike Walden Reviews - Affecting the quality of life

Posted by Mary Madison
Oct 14, 2013
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Depression can affect the quality of life of employees and the company's results.

It is possible that there is an insidious enemy in your company that could affect productivity levels and quality of life of its employees: depression. It is estimated that one in five people are affected by the disease, which does not choose age, although its incidence is higher in young adults give - in full production phase. Product Info Acne No More => Visit Here

A 1990 study published by the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry in 1993, shows that the disease carries a cost of 44 billion U.S. dollars per year, of which 55% relates to lost productivity.

According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Bank, depression ranks fifth among the diseases that cause disability.

The projection is that it reaches the second place in 2020, second only to cardiovascular problems.

Another piece of the WHO shows that, within 30 days, the absenteeism rate of people with depression reaches 46%. In individuals without the disease, is 20%.

"Depression is a health problem that has a biological basis. Mike Walden Reviews

This means that chemical changes occur at the base of the brain and translates for behavioral and psychological manifestations" says psychiatrist Ricardo Moreno , Institute of Psychiatry, Hospital das Clinics, University of São Paulo.

This evil can have several causes, such as genetic origin. "There are cases that are found in several affected individuals in the family, first-degree relatives or other kin," says Moreno.
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