Microsoft Add Message Recall To Exchange Online Has Been Added To Office 365

Posted by Joya Smith
Dec 16, 2019

Microsoft has plans to introduce the feature of message recall for the users of outlook on windows to hosted cloud of exchange online for businesses. This feature will enable the Microsoft cloud email users when they need to retrieve the messages that haven’t been opened by the recipients regardless of email client used. Microsoft is planning to facilitate the customers of office 365 edition with a status of message recall report, which will allow accessing the mails that were retrieved successfully and also the ones that failed to be retrieved. The feature of recalling the messages in email is accessible to the users already who make use of the exchange server platform for messaging from Microsoft. This is done via outlook in windows version of email client. 

New Enhancements Will Allow Identifying Potential Spam

When the users decide to click on the entry of recall the message from the menu, they can successfully retrieve the mails which haven’t been accessed by the respective recipients. There is a drawback for the users of outlook; the recalling messages is accessible if the recipient and the sender have office 365 email account in one organization. Once the command of recall, this message has been sent out to the server, users can see a box of dialog that prompts them for selecting between replacing or deleting the unread messages. Microsoft is working on developing the feature of the unverified sender; this will make it easy for the users to identify the emails that are phishy and potentially spam. The team of office 365 Dev is looking to enhance the pattern in which emails are secured via the message encryption service. This will prevent the messages to end up in the spam folder or marked as spam if it is from a trusted sender. 

Kaylee Smith is a self-professed security expert; she has been making the people aware of the security threats. Her passion is to write about Cyber security, malware, social engineering, Games,internet and new media. She writes for Ms-Office products at or


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