Memory Foam Mattress Is The Real Game Changer

Posted by Bill Sawaski
Aug 16, 2020
Sleep is important for the body, but what is more important than sleep is to have a comfortable sleep. In this, the real game-changer is the mattress. It plays a big role in making sleep undisturbed, sound and comfortable. Therefore, when it comes to selecting a mattress for your bed, never be in a hurry. Think this way while selecting a mattress, "I am not buying a mattress, I am buying priceless comfortable sleep". 

The memory foam mattress is one of the top-selling mattresses around the world. However, people have different opinions on that. The benefits of sleeping on a memory foam mattresses are many. Some of them are

Very Comfortable - A study suggests, most people could not have comfortable sleep at night because they get disturbed by their partner's movement on the bed. You can feel the movement other person sleeping on the bed with spring and hybrid mattresses, but this doesn't happen with memory mattress. Memory foam mattresses have a high density, the surface absorbs the movement, instead of transferring it on the whole mattress. 

Relieves Pain - One of the biggest benefits of buying a memory foam mattress is that it relieves pain. If you are suffering from joint pain or arthritis, the mattress will help you getting painless sleep. The mattress takes shape of the body, support pressure points and helps in relieving pain. This property of memory foam makes it one of the best mattresses for older people. However, if you are buying this mattress for pain relief, you must consider those that don’t have spring.  

Good Body Alignment - Another benefit of memory foam is that it has great viscoelasticity. When you lay on it, the form absorbs the body heat and pressure and become more viscous. This allows the mattress to contour the body supporting different pressure points. Because of good body alignment, people say that get restful sleep on this mattress. Nevertheless, an important point to note here is that to reap all benefits of memory foam, you should invest in the best memory foam mattress. Low-quality cheap memory foams are also available in the market. If you will buy the same by mistake, you will end up having a horrible experience instead of enjoying the comfort of memory foam.

It Is Less Expensive - Many would disagree to this but if you look at the life and maintenance cost of memory foam, it is way cheaper than other mattresses. Memory foams do not come with spring, and if talk about hybrid mattresses that have both, the foam act as the protector between the two. The spring mattresses and other mattresses begin to wear out after a few years of use. Because of which, the underlying spring starts making impression causing discomfort and requires quick replacement. 

It Is Hypoallergenic - The dense structure of memory form does not allow anything to pass through or grow inside it. Moulds, dust and other allergens could not make their way into this mattress making it a great choice for those who are allergic to these. Unlike the typical mattresses that contain 100,000 to 10 million dust mites, according to a survey. 

Not Too Soft and Not Too Hard - Memory foam has a reputation that it is too soft and hot. The latest generation foam beds have rectified this and offer much more comfort than you can think of. The gel memory foam is an amalgamation of gel and traditional memory foam that make it cooler and less soft. 

There are three types of memory foams available in the market and have distinct qualities 

Plant-Based - It is natural and springy.
Gel Memory Foam - It is cooler. 
Traditional Memory Foam- It is fitting and petroleum-based. 

The preference for sleep surface is an individual choice, therefore, while selecting a mattress, do thorough research. For more information on the memory foam mattress and to find the best quality and affordable memory foam mattresses, check Sleep Icon, one of the leading seller of memory foam and other types of mattresses.  

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