Medical Marijuana Doctors in Lancaster Advocate Using Cannabis For These Disorders

Feb 20, 2019

Medical cannabis has proved its therapeutic efficacy time and again. Whether for managing seizures, neuropsychiatry issues, or acting as an appetite booster, or as an anti-inflammatory agent in a range of disorders.

Every passing day, new declarations are happening for its incredible medicinal potential in multiple medical disorders.

Regardless of the stigma about its “euphoria” that can be a factor for many THC-dominant strains, these strains have a lot of benefits for causing the well-known effect “munchies”.

Lancaster medical marijuana doctors advocate that this effect has made possible for its therapeutic efficacy in chronic disorders such as HIV-associated wasting syndrome, Cancer-associated cachexia, Anorexia Nervosa, and many other related disorders.

Here’s How Medical Cannabis Causes Munchies

A study published in the Nature Neuroscience provided a scientific explanation to the whole process of appetite boosting abilities of cannabis.

The study showed that THC activated endocannabinoid receptors in the olfactory bulb. That further resulted in enhancing the sensitivity to smell, which made aroma of food more potent. Hence, making the subject eat more.

It was also seen that the neurons which controlled the levels of satiety were unlocked when medical cannabis was consumed.

Another explanation for the same process goes something like this—THC stimulates EC system in the brain area which is responsible for managing both appetite and energy balance.

THC interacts with the receptors present in this area, thereby promoting the release of hormone ghrelin which is responsible for stimulating hunger.


How Can Be Cannabis “Munchies” Beneficial For Managing Medical Conditions?

Various studies, medical marijuana doctors in Lancaster, and others have confirmed that medical cannabis can be an effective natural therapy for the following conditions.


Medical cannabis can be helpful as an appetite booster for thousands of AIDS patients who are at risk of wasting syndrome or cachexia. A study involving some AIDS patients gained over 10 pounds weight indicating medical cannabis was effective in inducing munchies.  


THC dominant cannabis strains help in improving appetite in cancer patients along with improving the sense of taste which goes away due to rigorous medications and chemotherapies.

A study involving cancer patients showed that more than 70% of patients reported having an increase in the appreciation for food as compared to 30% of placebo patients.

Also, more than 60% of patients confirmed to have an increase in appetite as compared to others who were on placebo.


According to a study, it has been concluded that the majority of the eating disorders usually occur due to dysfunctional regulation or underlying endocannabinoid imbalances. In such cases, medical cannabis nourishes the body by balancing the EC system, thereby improving the healthy state of the patients.

So, if you are looking to kickstart your appetite, then go for the following cannabis strains, and induce the desired munchies.

  • Monster Cookies

  • Sonoma Coma

  • Orange Skunk

  • Gigabud

  • Goo

However, medical marijuana doctors in Lancaster advise going slow with the amount and gradually increase the dose to reduce any associated euphoric effects.

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